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Thread: British guy shot dead in Philippines

  1. #1
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    British guy shot dead in Philippines

    Just read this story and it happened so soon after the guy from Sweden being killed.

    Thursday, June 26, 2008
    British man shot dead in Minglanilla robbery

    ANOTHER foreigner was held up and killed by robbers, this time in Minglanilla town.

    British national Luke Issacs, 42, died of five bullet wounds in the head and body at Minglanilla District Hospital Tuesday night.

    He was reportedly shot in the presence of his Filipina wife, Risa, by one of three robbers for refusing to hand over his bag bearing P7,000 cash.

    PO3 Neil Mansueto of the homicide section said the couple was walking by the roadside to buy grilled chicken in Barangay Lipata when approached by an unidentified person at around 6:40 p.m. Witnesses reportedly saw the man alight from a black motorcycle boarded by two other men.

    The suspect suddenly grabbed Issacs’ bag. He resisted and the two struggled.

    Getting no chance to grab the bag, the robber reportedly pulled out a handgun and shot the victim five times, fatally hitting him in the head, chest and lower abdomen, Mansueto said.

    The shooting reportedly occurred near the San Roque Parish Church and in the presence of the victim’s wife.

    Recovered at the scene were three 9mm empty shells and a deformed slug.

    The suspects then sped off aboard their motorcycle, leaving behind the wounded foreigner and his wife.

    The murder happened barely four days after lawmen found the charred remains of a Swedish national, his wife and two children inside their two-story house in Sibonga, Cebu.

    Homicide probers believed that it could be a case of arson with robbery and multiple homicide.

    Police are looking into a report that three men who figured in a mishap at the national highway in Talisay City could be the robbers of Issacs.

    The men reportedly boarded a Yamaha motorcycle that collided with a Honda motorcycle (4655GB) driven by Dindo delos Angeles at 9:30 p.m.

    At press time, police had no data yet on the men’s identities and their Yamaha motorcycle’s plate number.

    Traffic enforcer Joshua Cabahug said the collision occurred after the Yamaha motorcycle suddenly made a left turn in the highway.

    This resulted in a collision between the two motorcycles that injured delos Angeles, who was taken to the Talisay City District Hospital.

    Police could not say if the three persons riding the Yamaha motorcycle also suffered injuries because they sped off towards the highway’s interior area.

    This raised suspicion that they could be the same persons who robbed and killed the British national in Minglanilla. (GC)

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    British national Luke Issacs, 42, died of five bullet wounds in the head

    I would imagine he died from 1 bullet wound to the head
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
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    I read this today as well. More than a little disturbing as Minglanilla is where our new house is being built and where we will be spending half of our lives from next year on. As I have never seen another Brit in Minglanilla, which is a small town 15km south of Cebu city, this story rather shocked me. It also confirms my attitude of never trying to resist violence or robbery in the Philippines. These guys don't think about the consequences. Their mentality is all about now and any punishment, being tomorrow, is no deterrent. Hurt their pride and they will shoot. I carry two wallets, one with a small amount of ready cash and out of date cards and in view, and another concealed with any valuables I really need to have on me that day. So far I have not had to use this strategy but would gladly give up the first wallet. My problem would be in restraining my wife who would quite happily brain anyone threatening us!

  4. #4
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    I am not shocked to hear about this poor British guy, I am saddened by hearing of his outrageous murder, this type of robbery ending in murder is common, we all know that, but time and time again, those being mugged are advised not to resist when asked to give their wallet or bag up.

    These gangs are desperate, they are living in the most terrible poverty, but it does not give them the right to commit acts of murder to fund their life, this should now be a warning to all of us, I am due out in Phils in July, my policy is simple, I don't carry money anywhere in the Philippines, if I have P200.00 on me, its more than enough, some may find this dramatic, but its a policy I have always worked to.

    The 2nd thing is, I don't get out of my car in side streets or anywhere that is not in the main tourist area, I.e SM or major shopping malls, if I am downtown for any reason, I take a trusted Filipino companion with me for security, he acts as my driver and security guard all in one.

    You might start to think I am being over dramatic, and that some of you will say, oh well I have been out to Philippines for years and never had a problem, well that may be true, and long may that continue, however, we can all be guilty of being narcicistic, on the basis "That will never happen to me", I am sure Luke Isaac's didn't expect it to happen to him, after all, they only went out to buy barbecue chicken, and look what happens.

    There have been some instances where foreigners have resorted to employing the services of an armed guard, I don't think this is being over dramatic, I think it acts as a protection, certainly, as a foreigner, If I were allowed to carry an automatic handgun, I would feel much safer, sadly foreigners are not allowed to have this in the Philippines, mores the pity, however, one can take some precautions, I am not saying in all circumstances this will prevent you from being the target of a mugging, but it might just save your life.

    In this case, P7000.00 is not worth giving up your life, these gangs of murderers are determined enemies, who are doing this on their ground, and you are 6000 miles from your ground, I am sorry for what happened to our kababayan Mr Isaacs, however, its now time for all of us who have an association with the Republic of Philippines, that wherever you are, and wherever you visit, be on your guard, not one of us is safe anywhere, not now not ever, these are desperate times, they call for desperate measures, there is an old phrase I heard once.

    It goes like this

    "The only way to survive a war is to become war"

    Adapting that to our story here, tells me that for us who travel to Philippines, we have to adapt to our surroundings, no matter how many times you hear of muggings in London or Manchester or Birmingham or other cities, even though we have heard of youngsters being shot in shops and so forth, the crime is not a common occurence, and we are not used to such types of crime (notwithstanding recent news events surrounding teenagers being shot, and taking those into consideration), therefore we are not conditioned to expect such crime.

    But just maybe, this report is our wake up call, I hope it does not happen again, but I fear it will not be the last report we here of.

    For anyone who is interested, I have a 10 point plan for those who are travelling in the Philippines that may serve as a starting point, these are my thoughts.

    1. Do not under any circumstances, wander arround unfamliar area's without a trusted companion, especially in outlying barangay's, be aware of rural villages, they generally are lawless to some extent, the police are only around once a crime has been committed, there is generally little Police presence, and may not be any law for miles around.

    2. Do not go into mountainous area's on tours or such like to mountain resorts without armed escort, the mountainous regions are generally lawless i.e. havens for NPA, and people living in even worse poverty than in the cities, reports come to me of people eating salt in their hand as a way of surviving, just let it sober you up.

    3. If you want to travel between Cities, and you are in a private car, or rental car, try and get yourself a Filipino family member who is armed, at least with a Automatic handgun, Colt 45, Browning etc, and they are licensed to carry, then if anyone attempts to hold up your vehicle, your companion's handgun is enough to scare them off, trust me, this does work.

    4. In downtown area's do not go out with any amounts of cash on your person, P7000.00 is far too much to be carrying in outlying villages, such as in the case of Luke Isaac's, P7000.00 is more than a months wages to some people, and these armed criminals do not work, so they don't know what P7000.00 is ! secondly, let your Filipino girlfriend, wife or partner carry the money for the day, I have said earlier, my maximum amount of cash I carry is P200.00. Keep your cash secure in the hotel safe, or your room safe if in a hotel, there is no need to carry cash around at those levels, you are just crying out to be held up.

    5. Best way to avoid being held up, is not be there, i.e. don't put yourself into area's that are deemed to be unsafe, downtown plaza's such as those markets in the main streets are not places for foreigners to be, I don't care how Philwise you think you are, and how nice people say you are, or even how safe you think you are, trust me, best way to avoid being held up, is not be there, don't carry your wallet in the Philippines, those who don't carry wallets cannot have them stolen, leave it at your hotel, or other place of lodging, put your day cash in a little plastic bag.

    6. Don't carry a bag on your shoulder, i.e. Backpack, some foreigners I see in Philippines walk around with a backpack type bag, the problem is, you are being surveilled all the time, you can't see who is watching you, but trust me, you are being watched, and before you know it, your bag has been slashed from behind by one guy, and your belongings taken before you have time to react, NO BAGS !

    7. If you are downtown in a rental car you have rented, unless its absolutely neccessary, stay in the vehicle, there is generally no need to get out, try and rent one with tinted windows, then you are less of a surveillance target, keep your shopping trips confined to the larger established malls, such as Shoe Mart, Gaisano, Robinsons, and such like, major shopping malls with good security guards, a good security presence ensures that the halduppers and muggers keep away.

    8. You single guys in Manila, if you have overnight guests, keep your passport, cash, and credit debit cards in the keycode safe, under no circumstances give out your keycode safe combination to an overnight guest, in the morning, your cash, and everything else will be gone, happened to a British guy in a Cebu hotel room, he was a bit trusting, to find his USD 4000.00 gone, only take with you what you intend to spend for the day, if its P2000.00 fine, take only that, if you get held up, for the sake of P2000.00 give it to them, they will quickly take the money and dissapear, your life is worth more than that, do not resist, give them what you have, don't fight on principle, its not worth it, and you will loose.

    9. Don't appear nervous or afraid when going around, this can be detected by surveillance hold uppers, someone who is assertive and firm often makes them think twice, don't carry digital camera's around, or your mobile phone, your asking for it to be parted from you, most of these thefts occur with Filipinos riding on motor cyles at speed, before you know it your bag and camera, phone etc, has been snatched at speed.

    10. Finally enjoy your holiday, be alert, be aware, and take precautions, don't let the above spoil your trip to Philippines, chances are you will never come into contact with any unsavoury characters, but, their will always be risk, risk is something we all have to live with, we all hope it will not happen to us, but as the sad story of Luke Isaac shows, we must all be on our guard.

    "Our mission in Peacetime is to train for war!"

  5. #5
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    Sad but useful advice.

    Also sad to say that virtually none of this applies in Thailand. I have walked through the worst slums on my own late at night and driven the country top to bottom. The biggest dangers are actually stray dogs, and there are usually enough big sticks lying around to deal with them! Muggings and pickpockets are rare, but "scams" are common, so they main advice in the Land of Smiles is to avoid talking to strangers.


  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I would imagine the world economy will even driving Thailand down the same road as the Phil, as 10'000s more find they cannot afford the food they used to.
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #7
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    Some good tips there.

    The only thing I think, though, is this. And correct me if I am wrong. If you are unfortunate enough to be held-up - and if you only have 200 pesos - won't the mugger expect you to have more money? That could cause a problem in itself. If you have 2000 pesos - ok none of us like losing money - but 2000 pesos is about £25. They will be eager to escape, they have some money and will hopefully scarper with some meagre (but realistic) pickings. If you have just 200 pesos, they may expect that you are hiding money?

    Anyway, just a thought.

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    thats what i was thinking Ady

    you're just going to get the scumbags more , like you say whats 2000 or more php compared to your life..

    if you got only 200php on you, they might think you've got more hidden, and start searching you, lengthening your ordeal, and making the scumbags more nervous and desperate

  9. #9
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Very good advice Pete.

    It makes me think and I can't help but to feel scared about these stories...

    I think hiring a bodyguard is the best thing to protect oneself. You can hire one of the family or family friends to stay with you when you go out.

    'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'


  10. #10
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peanutz View Post
    Very good advice Pete.

    It makes me think and I can't help but to feel scared about these stories...

    I think hiring a bodyguard is the best thing to protect oneself. You can hire one of the family or family friends to stay with you when you go out.

    Perhaps Ping could set up a training course for the Ladies

  11. #11
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    This is my wifes burglar alarm

    Keith - Administrator

  12. #12
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Brilliant I thought after we get the G/F trained and Licensed we could push the Arsenal around in a Golf Trolley

  13. #13
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    ....we could push the Arsenal around in a Golf Trolley
    I'd rather push Mancs off a cliff
    Keith - Administrator

  14. #14
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I'd rather push Mancs off a cliff
    Hadnt realised Cliff was into that kind of thing

  15. #15
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IanB View Post
    Sad but useful advice.

    Also sad to say that virtually none of this applies in Thailand. I have walked through the worst slums on my own late at night and driven the country top to bottom. The biggest dangers are actually stray dogs, and there are usually enough big sticks lying around to deal with them! Muggings and pickpockets are rare, but "scams" are common, so they main advice in the Land of Smiles is to avoid talking to strangers.

    The thailand tourism board website advises you not to walk alone in lonely areas.

    ps not a pop at you or thailand just advice i saw on their website and i know a lot of Brit/phill couples go there.

    Another good point they make is be wary of Tour guides, good advice anywhere.

    Many Brit phill couples are in an area when on a holiday like Boracay for example where the phill is a stranger and maybe not realising the danger posed by non regulated tour guides and what have you.

    I did notice though many of the murders of Brits or non westners do appear to be a little more involved than a street robbery. Disputes involing family etc.

    Guys do think things though and find out about your potential girlfriends family and situation before jumping in, just as you would here in the Uk.

    Think it though, i've noticed that phill and im sure thai families lifes and relationships are generally far more complicated than brits. Partly due to sheer numbers and the way of life in the respective countries.
    Many Brits if they dont get on tend to ignore or keep away from family they dont get on with but many phills have to get along (even if problems rumble along in the background) due to the closeness of the families and the need to help one another.

    You turning up could cause more problems and ignite ones that had been almost forgotten.

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