Thanks Keith, you are so right. I have just heard from her. She went back to the Internet Cafe to try to reach me.
She was on a multi-cab and 1 of a group of 3 guys put a knife into her side and told her to open her bag and not make a sound. Then they took her money and her mobile and got off. Fortunately, they could not see her purse as it was under a t-shirt so she still has my card and I have just transferred some more money. Someone will go to the bank with her tomorrow.
I cannot describe the feeling I felt when I walked in and saw her offline messages. I have not cried in years but I felt so helpless and terrible that I could not protect her. I felt really bad that she was not already here with me. It's a feeling words cannot describe.
Thank you so much Kerry. I thank God that she was not injured. I can replace anything but cannot replace the Queen of my heart.
Pia lives about 45 mins outside of Surigao City proper. I tried to reach her tatay but the phone is not working. Nanay has leant her phone to sis.
I mananged to reach one of my favourite aunties but she was a long way away. She did call another aunty who was on her way to see if Pia was home already.