Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
As long as it is only money/mobile and she's alright, that's the main thing.

Maybe it's best if all the guys on here instruct the other half to only go the bank with other people in future, this has happened before.
Thanks Keith, you are so right. I have just heard from her. She went back to the Internet Cafe to try to reach me.

She was on a multi-cab and 1 of a group of 3 guys put a knife into her side and told her to open her bag and not make a sound. Then they took her money and her mobile and got off. Fortunately, they could not see her purse as it was under a t-shirt so she still has my card and I have just transferred some more money. Someone will go to the bank with her tomorrow.

I cannot describe the feeling I felt when I walked in and saw her offline messages. I have not cried in years but I felt so helpless and terrible that I could not protect her. I felt really bad that she was not already here with me. It's a feeling words cannot describe.

Quote Originally Posted by cruisingkerry View Post
OMG thats awful! Its terrible when you're so far away and can't help at all.

Like Keith says as long as its only 'things' rather than Pia at least thats something.

Hope things are ok
K xx
Thank you so much Kerry. I thank God that she was not injured. I can replace anything but cannot replace the Queen of my heart.

Quote Originally Posted by Sconnie View Post
I can imagine hpow you feel, where in phils is she now ? has she anyone there friends family ? If she is near one of the girls on the forum she could contact them.
Pia lives about 45 mins outside of Surigao City proper. I tried to reach her tatay but the phone is not working. Nanay has leant her phone to sis.

I mananged to reach one of my favourite aunties but she was a long way away. She did call another aunty who was on her way to see if Pia was home already.