Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
Just thought I would update you all.

Pia was not on her way from the bank as I originally thought when i first saw her offline messages. She had been to the bank much earlier in the day. We had also spoken briefly on the phone when she at her aunty's place.

She was on her way from her aunty's place and was riding a multicab to her cookery class when the robbery occured. The multicab was originally full but at some point it reduced to a lady that was sitting at the front near the driver, 3 guys and Pia.

One of the guys was leaning forward, shielding what happened from the view of the lady and driver. Another pressed an ice-pick to Pia's tummy and told her to open her bag and not make a sound. He then took her money. He then looked at her threateningly until she handed the phone to him. Pia had tried to shield it from him.

He then looked in the bag and only saw her cooking folder and a T-shirt. Fortunately, he did not see the ipod, and wallet with her cards and ID.

Anyway, I am thankful she was unharmed. I have asked Pia to see if she can hire a car and driver to drive her home from class as her family and I are worried about her travelling so far home each night but as I think andypaul said earlier, I dont want her to feel like a prisoner.
Hiring a car to me is a good idea. Staying indoors or just close to home all the time when she is about to leave may not be so good. Does she have a family member or friend with a car or motorbike who can take her for a fee?

Then she is far safer and your helping the family.

One of my wifes cousin was having problems paying the montly payment on his scooter when we were over but needed it for work. So we asked him to courier people about when we had parties and get the ice cream and other items when we ran out.