I did not get the chance to read the extract that is now removed. You say because you did not get comments that that has dented your confidence but I think is unreasonable to expect everyone to visit here everyday then read it immediately and digest it nnd then post some constructive criticism. Frankly if you think no responses from this messageboard in a few hours affect your confidence then you had better prepare for the inevitable rejection letters from publishing houses. In fact, if you have synopsis and sample chapter you should be talking to publishers now.

I suspect the real problem you will have is that a very small number of people will be interested in the story or will have heard of you. Consequently I cannot see the predicted sales getting beyond the small hunderds or even less than 100. Unfortunately although "everyone has a book in them" only the autobiographies of well known people are anywhere near profitable. Even then there are some well known cases were the sales have only reached 5% or 6% of the advance given toe author by the publisher.

To summarise: if you think you are going interest the country or the world in your story I would get what you have in front of published NOW. It is better to find out sooner than later if you are wasting your time. However, if it is to give away your family and friends then carry on.

Good luck!