See what happened? He can't admit that he is a loser, now he turned to you and made himself look more ridiculous...Sigh! What a SHAMErock. You don't belong here!
Who you calling a looser, you stupid ******* bitch, why dont you ...... back to whatever s******e you crawled from.I dont know why you all support that asshole, all does is give sarcastic comments to people.BTW you dont belong here!
You proved me right, SHAMErock. You are such a loser.
We support the Admin and this forum because we are a family here. If you don't understand what family means, then I can only pity you.
And for your coulorful wording, I can only guess that you came from the lowest cast, therefore you can't express yourself in a more elegant manner.
You will only find a place with your commons. Sorry, there is no place for you here.
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