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Thread: My brother in Philippines broke into my house again!

  1. #1
    Respected Member Tish's Avatar
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    My brother in Philippines broke into my house again!

    I'm just talking to Barangay Tanods on webcam because my brother broke into my house again and took some more items

    Apparently, they can't just arrest him because there's no evidence that he'd actually done it Unless they can find where he sold the items

    What's happening in the world

  2. #2
    Respected Member Tish's Avatar
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    I'm currently counting my breaths to try and calm myself down

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    You can probably get a few folk on here to....erm.....'visit' him
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear about that Tish! That's awful!
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  5. #5
    Respected Member Sconnie's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear this Trish, I hope your brother sorts himself out soon and realises the error of what he i doing and what he is putting his sister through.

  6. #6
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    Sorry to hear this. Connie's brother stole from the family house 18 months ago. He did not have to break in, he just arrived with a multi cab and some mates, threatened his younger brother and took lots of furniture, the cooker and tools etc. We belive it was to fund their drug habits. We were outraged and of course got the police involved. However they declined to arrest him as they said it was a "family matter". As he is able to terrorise the rest of the family, both through his own physique and his friends, it was a very frustrating experience. Thank goodness he has now moved away and is believed to be somewhere in Mindanao.
    Good luck to you. It seems our experiences are running in parallel, so maybe your brother will now just go somewhere else.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    What an awful thing to do to your family...
    Sorry to hear about this Tish, the best thing I guess is to avoid that he get worse than now...I hope you can find a way to make him realize, but I am afraid he will not listen to anyone when he is on drugs...

    'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'


  8. #8
    Respected Member Tish's Avatar
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    Thank you all guyz for your support. And like what you said David, it is very frustrating!

    I will only feel at ease when he's out of sight, so I hope they arrest him soon (I told the Barangay Tanod that I'm pressing charge, so no longer just a 'family matter').

  9. #9
    Respected Member Tish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    You can probably get a few folk on here to....erm.....'visit' him

    Thanks Boss! Your kind words are already making me feel better

  10. #10
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    I too tried to get him arrested, even spoke to the head guy in their city from here, but they said that there was nothing they could do. If he stole something which belonged to the family then as a member of the family he was taking his own goods. Whether that was correct, or simply disinterest by the Police, I cannot know. One of the family friends is a Policeman and even he could get nothing done. I had plenty of offers to sort things out unofficially, some in a pretty drastic and permanent way, but that way of behaviour does not appeal to me, although it does seem to be quite well tolerated in the Philippines. Our Policeman friend hinted the police would turn a blind eye if direct action was applied but for me that just opens a can of worms.

  11. #11
    Respected Member Tish's Avatar
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    Barangay Tanods are back talking to me earlier telling me that they will have to file a 'blotter' tomorrow as it's Sunday today And did say that they couldn't do much really

    My brother will be sent 'subpoena'? to attend the Barangay Hall and that they will see how they get on from there..Aarggghhh

    My house is empty at present with For R**t/For S**e sign, as I just want to get rid now before it's too late (Sorry Boss, I don't mean to put that in but I don't know how to word it other way ) As I'm paranoid that he might burn the house down!!! I really hope not

  12. #12
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    I find it amazing that some Filipinos have no sense of private ownership. My wife left some clothes in a locked cupboard on one trip, rather than bring them back to the UK and then out again. Hers sisters broke the lock and used her clothes and could not understand why she got upset. The clothes were there, they needed clothes so what is the problem? Maybe this is your brother's mentality. You are not there, he "needs" something so he can take it. Can't you get someone to occupy the house, even at no rent, and keep a big dog there too, the hungier the better!

  13. #13
    Respected Member Tish's Avatar
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    That's how my family thinks too! They don't seem to understand that they shouldn't touch or take things that doesn't belong to them!

    When he took the DVD player a few weeks back, and I got angry he just said why can't I just send another one They're really are unbelievable

    I'm trying to get someone to stay in the house, but some are scared of being terrorized by my brother!

  14. #14
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tish View Post
    That's how my family thinks too! They don't seem to understand that they shouldn't touch or take things that doesn't belong to them!

    When he took the DVD player a few weeks back, and I got angry he just said why can't I just send another one They're really are unbelievable

    I'm trying to get someone to stay in the house, but some are scared of being terrorized by my brother!
    oh no,thats an awful te tish sowi to hear that bad news its him again (he's a blacksheep of the family)

  15. #15
    Respected Member telford's Avatar
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    unbelievable! its more okay when other people did it to you,but not your family!...sorry to hear that sis! give him a lesson...

  16. #16
    Respected Member jencha8569's Avatar
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    ur brother really need some punishing ate tish,
    this time no being soft.
    really not good for him doing that to the fact that
    you support them.
    hope you have calmed urself by now and that
    things been sorted out.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tish View Post
    I'm just talking to Barangay Tanods on webcam because my brother broke into my house again and took some more items

    Apparently, they can't just arrest him because there's no evidence that he'd actually done it Unless they can find where he sold the items

    What's happening in the world
    Barangay is only the first step if you want to sue your brother. Barangay will then forward the case to lower court and it cost money to file a case against someone. Most court ignores family matters problem as they know forgiveness is always there, or maybe more other reasons.
    I think you may try reverse psychology. I know a friend who is living abroad with almost same problem with his brothers. Her problem maybe worse than yours but when she came home, she hugged her 2 brods who washed out her house, they talked hours and she did hugssss them. It was like a miracle, all went good and really I feel so happy for her.
    I have 4 brothers Tish and two of them passed away, So I have only 2 brods left and will always treasure them as it's really painful to loose someone you love. That's why everytime I flew, I always had my stop over to where they are just to meet them and hugssss. I feel I am still lucky as I have 2 more brothers left

  18. #18
    Respected Member Tish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    Barangay is only the first step if you want to sue your brother. Barangay will then forward the case to lower court and it cost money to file a case against someone. Most court ignores family matters problem as they know forgiveness is always there, or maybe more other reasons.
    I think you may try reverse psychology. I know a friend who is living abroad with almost same problem with his brothers. Her problem maybe worse than yours but when she came home, she hugged her 2 brods who washed out her house, they talked hours and she did hugssss them. It was like a miracle, all went good and really I feel so happy for her.
    I have 4 brothers Tish and two of them passed away, So I have only 2 brods left and will always treasure them as it's really painful to loose someone you love. That's why everytime I flew, I always had my stop over to where they are just to meet them and hugssss. I feel I am still lucky as I have 2 more brothers left

    I don't think reverse Psychology will work with my brother, as I've tried that already, but only seems to last while I was there. And soon as I turn my back to come back here in the UK, it's back to square one again!

    This is not the first time my brother and I have run into the same problem. In fact we've now gone full circle So I'm washing my hands on him now!

    Thanks for the kind words though

  19. #19
    Respected Member Tish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jencha8569 View Post
    ur brother really need some punishing ate tish,
    this time no being soft.
    really not good for him doing that to the fact that
    you support them.
    hope you have calmed urself by now and that
    things been sorted out.
    I feel a lot calmer now thanks jencha.

    I've just done 12 hours at work, so that took my mind off the situation.

    It might not be other's cup of tea to be able to chill at work, but working does that to me

  20. #20
    Respected Member Tish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by telford View Post
    unbelievable! its more okay when other people did it to you,but not your family!...sorry to hear that sis! give him a lesson...
    Oh I will do! Because as of now; he's no longer a brother of mine

  21. #21
    Respected Member Tish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vbkelly View Post
    oh no,thats an awful te tish sowi to hear that bad news its him again (he's a blacksheep of the family)

    You're right, he is the black sheep one in the family

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