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Thread: its not my day...

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  1. #1
    Respected Member Tish's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Daddy View Post
    was cooking chicken and rice casserole 2 days ago.I have cooked chicken in hob using pan and put all the ingredients and have to baked it in oven for about 50 min.around 30 min.I smell something burning when I went to the kitchen and open the oven door I could see that the pan handle was melting when i tried to take them out from the oven,it just dropped in the oven door and I have broke it and when I saw some a bit of soup that spilt on the knob I tride to wipe it off with flannel but instead I have erased the numbers thats says 200degree up to 300,it erases probably coz i wipe it with wet flannel and it was burning hot.good thing there is i didnt burned my self.the worst thing there is its not in our house where at my hubby`s daughter`s haus.we stayed at theirs for weekends as the`re on holiday and be back by problem there is how am gonna explain it to them.I have been looking for the same pan that i ruined but cant find same one and as well I have thought of buying a new cooker for them even if they`ve been using it for about 8 years now.I am scared I dont want to upset her because just last week I accidentally broke one of her ornaments and now this.I think I have to booked a flight now back to Philippinesany idea guys how to put numbers back on the cookerpls help they`ll be back tomorrow am not counting days now but hours
    Sorry for the late response Mrs Daddy, but all I can say is that don't worry too much about it. For all you know, your hubby's daughter might be secretly glad that you've done it, so she can now get a new one? After all, she's used the cooker for 8 years now

    With regard to the pan, you can easily get a set of pans for next to nothing in price now, especially if you keep an eye on bargains

  2. #2
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tish View Post
    Sorry for the late response Mrs Daddy, but all I can say is that don't worry too much about it. For all you know, your hubby's daughter might be secretly glad that you've done it, so she can now get a new one? After all, she's used the cooker for 8 years now

    With regard to the pan, you can easily get a set of pans for next to nothing in price now, especially if you keep an eye on bargains
    tnx T tish
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