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Thread: is that enough?

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  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomm View Post
    There is a website which does actually publish the amount of money needed but I can't find the link right now.

    The important thing seems to be the income. This should be equal to or exceed the amount that that would be received from income support, after rent or mortgage.
    there is no set figure, the only guidence, i think comes from an appeal case, where a judge said that the minimum amount should be, the figure that the gov sets for unemployment benefit/social security.. so thats around £60wk, times that by 4 = £240 a month.. but i dont think the case workers use this

  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    there is no set figure, the only guidence, i think comes from an appeal case, where a judge said that the minimum amount should be, the figure that the gov sets for unemployment benefit/social security.. so thats around £60wk, times that by 4 = £240 a month.. but i dont think the case workers use this
    I seen that figure and i made sure that i showed i had over that avaiable each month in all the paperwork.

    Many others have done the same but as you say there is no definte proof that this is what the ECO will look for.

    But imo it would be enough if accomdation and proof of a relationship were all met.

    From a practical view at least this needs to be avaiable if you are both going to live at a decent level anyway.

    Its not just about getting the ok from the ECO you still have to survie and for a person coming from a different culture and enviroment (ie heating, food, telephone bills etc)

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    there is no set figure, the only guidence, i think comes from an appeal case, where a judge said that the minimum amount should be, the figure that the gov sets for unemployment benefit/social security.. so thats around £60wk, times that by 4 = £240 a month.. but i dont think the case workers use this
    Surely this figure should be the allowance for a couple which would be about £95 per week

    I have no inside knowledge of how the approval system works, so this is just my opinion. One has to assume, case workers are trained and have guidelines to work to... particularly regarding financial matters. Although not an interpretation of the law, a case won on appeal would set a precedent.

    From the information I've seen on various websites, it would also appear, if the spouse can demonstrate realistic employment prospects in the UK, her potential salary will be taken into account.

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tomm View Post
    Surely this figure should be the allowance for a couple which would be about £95 per week
    well if you have nothing left of your wages each month, you can hardly support yourself nevermind your wife. so ideally if you could save £240 from your wages every month to support your wife, you shouldn't have any problems, but there is no clear set figure, and of course it also depends on other factors, savings,shares, the case worker, if its a border line refusal they could take your other evidence into consideration. thats why you see some people saying i had no savings and they got a visa, and others saying i had savings and got refused..

    Quote Originally Posted by tomm View Post
    a case won on appeal would set a precedent.
    i don't think always so, if that was so, then there would be hardly any refusals, i think i saw a figure of 1/3 of appeals is won, and i don't think even then the judge can order the HO to issue a visa, he instructs the HO to look at the app again and not refuse it for the orginal reason, and if a certian amount of time has passed since you applied, the HO can ask for more upto date evidence and could refuse you on that evidence..

    Quote Originally Posted by tomm View Post
    From the information I've seen on various websites, it would also appear, if the spouse can demonstrate realistic employment prospects in the UK, her potential salary will be taken into account.
    If the financial standing is marginal, and if the applicant has plans to work in the UK, a job offer letter can be included to bolster the application's strength; and failing all other evidence, the applicant may attach a CV (or academic credentials) which demonstrate favorable prospects. Note however, that this is generally the weakest form of evidence.

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