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Thread: Passport/uk Visa Help

  1. #1
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    Passport/uk Visa Help

    My Filipina girl wants to come to UK on holiday - Is this straight forward in respect to applying for her Passport and UK Visa ?How long does it take and what are the costs for each.Do I need to provide anything?

  2. #2
    Banned ivor&mel's Avatar
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    By "holiday", I assume you mean a Visitor Visa? In the absence of more info, all I can say is your chances are not high. Is she living in the Philippines? Has she ever been out of Phil before and returned? Can you tell us more about her circumstances, because the Embassy will need to be seriously convinced that she has a reason to return when the visa expires? It is possible to get a Visitor Visa of course - Mel has a friend here who got one with no trouble, but their circumstances may be vastly different from yours.

    Have a search on the forum for "visitor visa": there's plenty to read Someone else was thinking of going down that route recently, but I don't think we've heard from him for a while...

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Search the forum for "tourist visa" to begin with.
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
    Banned ivor&mel's Avatar
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    I could have saved myself a lot of typing!

  5. #5
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by evolutionguy
    My Filipina girl wants to come to UK on holiday - Is this straight forward in respect to applying for her Passport and UK Visa ?How long does it take and what are the costs for each.Do I need to provide anything?

    Ivor as always tells it as it is, he is of course correct, every case is different, but at this forum, we never seem to see much luck with tourist visa's the exact wording is as follows:

    "The applicant has failed to demonstrate compelling reasons for returning to the host country"

    Some do get tourist visa's my best pal's wife got one, others have got them, but the refusal rate is high, its a case of pay your money and take your chances.

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