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Thread: Work?

  1. #1
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Question Work?

    We have gained a fiancee visa. we were just wondering on the proccess or implications of working in the UK? im self employed and have issued her a offer of employment. but not sure on legalities of all of it? if you could help what has to take place for Zobel to be able to work please let us know.


  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I run my own business, and your fiancee/wife can 'officially' work in 2 years from her point of arrival.

    If you wish her to do a bit of work to help you out, and give her cash, that is up to you, but is not technically legal, and could endanger the visa requirements, although no one ever checks. Just something you should be aware of.
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    2years? eek ok so in theory she could do voluntary work then? but not actually be emplyed to make an income?

    so you employ your wife? or is it abit unofficial help? just wondering how and what to do. as i can increase my wage to support help etc... ut she will want to earn abit.

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    My wife legally works for my company, as she's now a British Citizen after 6 years.

    I don't think your fiancee can do voluntary work either, I think it's a blanket ban, but it tells you in the agreement you signed when applying for the visa.
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    I dont know where the two years come from?

    if its a fiancee visa, then you must be married within 6months. and after that you are allowed to work. right guys?

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I do wish they'd stop piddling about with the rules, they change on a monthly basis.....have they nothing better to do at the Home Office?

    "We will give your fiancé(e) or proposed civil partner, permission to stay here for six months but they must not work. After you have married or registered a civil partnership, your husband, wife or civil partner, may apply to stay here. If we approve the application, we will give your husband, wife or civil partner, permission to stay and work for 2 years. Near the end of 2 years, your husband, wife or civil partner, may apply to stay here permanently."

    The work is now included as part of the visa you apply for after you are married, never used to belike that. So once she gets that she can work, that's around 6 months, but depends on marriage date, and how long the HO can be bothered to process the info.
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #7
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    Once josephine and i were married we applied for the FLR to allow her to stay for the 2 year period before the ILR application.
    Once the FLR was approved she was then able to apply for a national insurance number and once employed get a tax code.
    The Jobs and Benefits Office did look for the FLR approval before commencing with the application for NI number.
    A good thing is worth waiting on.

  8. #8
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Irelandken View Post
    Once the FLR was approved she was then able to apply for a national insurance number
    I went with my wife to help her apply for a National Insurance Number and we were told that to apply for this she must have evidence, such as "rejection letters" that she is actually seeking work. I assumed that as she has been granted a spousal visa which entitles her to work in this country for 2 years, that applying for a National Insurance Number would be a mere formality.

    I must say that I think this is absolutely ridiculous, as many employers don't send out rejection letters anyway. When I pressed them on this they said, that some people might want to use the N.I. Number for other purposes, but they wouldn't elaborate on what they meant by that.

    They did say that an employer is allowed to employ someone without a N.I. Number, but then conceded that many would not do this because they probably don't know that it is allowed. But it seems that if she did find an employer who would employ her without this, then she would have to have time off work to go for an interview to get her N.I. Number.

    Just Crazy or What!!!


  9. #9
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    You only easyily get a NI if you're an asylum seeker!
    Keith - Administrator

  10. #10
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    After reading that Im still confused

    So, if my gf and I apply for a fiance visa we either a) get married and after 6 months she can work/live here for 2 years

    or b) get married and after 2 years, she can apply to work? Someone please explain, Im lost

  11. #11
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    As above.....
    If we approve the application, we will give your husband, wife or civil partner, permission to stay and work for 2 years.
    Keith - Administrator

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    we were told that to apply for this she must have evidence, such as "rejection letters" that she is actually seeking work.
    I must say that I think this is absolutely ridiculous, as many employers don't send out rejection letters anyway. They did say that an employer is allowed to employ someone without a N.I. Number, but then conceded that many would not do this because they probably don't know that it is allowed.
    Just Crazy or What!!!

    Thats what we found as well, but Josephine enrolled with a recruitment agency and recieved a letter from them that she was employed and this is enough to complete the application.
    She still needs to take the time off work for the interview. Funny thing is, even though she does not have a NI number yet, the agency still took NI contributions and tax from her wages...
    A good thing is worth waiting on.

  13. #13
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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  14. #14
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    You better contact your nearest Jobcentreplus and make enquiry or visit their site. I applied my NI number and it is 4 weeks to process but they can rush it if you have already hired. And they may help you by giving advice.

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