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  1. #1
    Respected Member Geraldine's Avatar
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    Is Filipina/Brit your first choice?

    Hi all!

    Out of curiosity...where you generally attracted to Asians/Caucasians before you finally met your partners-your true love? Or where you specifically looking for Filipinas/Brits rather than Thai/Americans or other nationality? You know what i mean...

    In my case, I find some caucasians in general attractive although I did have a few Filipino bfs before. Then when I met my husband, I said, gosh he is really good looking and hot! However my husband had a few Thai ex-gfs before he met me-his first Filipina gf, now wife and will make sure his last!! Lucky bloke!

  2. #2
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geraldine View Post
    Hi all!

    Out of curiosity...where you generally attracted to Asians/Caucasians before you finally met your partners-your true love? Or where you specifically looking for Filipinas/Brits rather than Thai/Americans or other nationality? You know what i mean...

    In my case, I find some caucasians in general attractive although I did have a few Filipino bfs before. Then when I met my husband, I said, gosh he is really good looking and hot! However my husband had a few Thai ex-gfs before he met me-his first Filipina gf, now wife and will make sure his last!! Lucky bloke!
    i was all pinoy before, until i noticed that majority of filipino men, cheat on their women. i am almost certain that this happens in all race and not just ours, but it seem to be most common in the philippines. i mean just look at all those short term hotels that are scattered all over the place! my ex filipino bf cheated on me with my bestfriend and out of rebound maybe i got married to my first husband whose british (not my wisest idea!). we really didnt get on well so we divorced, now i am happily married to a brit, a very loyal lovin brit!

  3. #3
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    This is comparing filipino from British men. For me there is always a plus and minus side. The good and bad things are present on every person. So it is a matter of finding the right partner for ourselves.
    Caucasians are attractive in the sense that they possess good physical qualities compared to others or filipinos in particular. But there are loads of filipinos who possess the same. So the first step is we are attracted on physical attributes then next is the innerself. We will know more about the person once we know his innerself. So for me being attracted to someone doesn't rely only on physical, it sums up to all what he is. Fortunately i got married with the British guy who has the qualities i dreamed of.
    " The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
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  4. #4

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    well at first i was attracted to filipino guys...since they were who i saw most of the time...and dreamt of marrying one...but then i didnt have a very good was all unrequited love...when i went to diff parts of the world...i liked diff men...from italian, french, australian, polish, american, it just so happened that i ended up now with a british guy...

  5. #5
    Respected Member cruisingkerry's Avatar
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    I've had many different boyfriends from all over the world (that makes me sound like a right one doesn't it!!) Greek, Italian, Dutch, Brit, Filipino.

    I dont think it makes much difference where they come from, its the kind of person they are that matters really, and my Ethelbert is such and amazing person, very loyal, caring and family orientated, even if he does sometimes disappear from contact for a week or so now and again... but I would say thats just men in general really.

    And he's gorgeous too, but that all fades ain the end and its whats inside and what you've got together that matters, in my opinion!

    K xx

  6. #6
    Respected Member Geraldine's Avatar
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    Thanks for your interesting replies.

    Just to clarify, my post is more on physical attraction, a phase in your life wherein you are in search of your true love. That first meeting. The character of the person is a different story of course. Im not comparing men/women of different races, we are all the same in general.

    keep posting

  7. #7
    Respected Member benb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geraldine View Post
    where you generally attracted to Asians/Caucasians before you finally met your partners-your true love? Or where you specifically looking for Filipinas/Brits rather than Thai/Americans or other nationality? You know what i mean...

    keep posting
    Caucasians I suppose in terms of physical attraction only.

  8. #8
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    Intellectually, my British husband is the most open person I have ever been with. He doesn’t have the same hang-ups and issues compared to my exes. He has also allowed me to play a more dominant role in our relationship that unlike 100% Filipino couples may struggle to attain. Not being biased here but as I’ve seen with my parents, a Filipino man is the alpha male in the household and that’s it, whereas with my husband he has room for an alpha female. So to answer your question, yes, after failed relationships, I only later ever considered a serious commitment to a man, be he British or otherwise, who has a definitely westernized psyche.

    And on a different note… I always get mistaken for Thai or Chinese and I awfully resent that because nobody seems to know about the Philippines. A TV channel should do a TV documentary or something about Filipinos, so Brits can have more awareness of our ethnicity.

  9. #9
    Respected Member amyburple's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by benb View Post
    Caucasians I suppose in terms of physical attraction only.
    In my case, my hubby have BOTH, Handsome looking and very down to earth guy... Personality wise he is very good..! Filipino guys are USER base on my experience..they are not sensitive on the feelings of there partner hayyyyyy. Lesson learned. Well I'm very grateful and bless to have my hubby in my LIFE. God is so good in our lives.We're been 2 years now this month! Getting married later this year or early next year. God willing^^,

  10. #10
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    its not my first choice but had a good pick as most of the members here. I am so blessed with my loving husband ay charrrr

  11. #11

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    [QUOTE=amyburple;81510]Filipino guys are USER base on my experience..they are not sensitive on the feelings of there partner hayyyyyy. QUOTE]
    yea...makes bola but treats the girl like a work horse

  12. #12
    Respected Member benb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geraldine View Post
    Thanks for your interesting replies.

    Just to clarify, my post is more on physical attraction, a phase in your life wherein you are in search of your true love. That first meeting. The character of the person is a different story of course. Im not comparing men/women of different races, we are all the same in general.

    keep posting
    Not many are answering your real question are they.

    Must be love.

  13. #13
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    I couldn't careless if she was an eskimo, as long as she has good attitude and is nice person, with good upbringing and morals. Its not too much to ask that she does not swear like a trooper.If I wanted that I would marry a bloke! Alas, I just got a bit bored of Scottish lassies always enjoy too much of the drink. In order to have a good time-one must drink?If I say no, why AM I a stick in the mud? I just don't fancy watching you with your head over a toilet bowl dear. Excuse me if I want a bit of class.Ladettes suck.

  14. #14
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    I just don't fancy watching you with your head over a toilet bowl dear.
    Hmmm ... Ruby seems to be spending a lot of time in this position over the last few weeks! However, the doc says she should get over this within the next month.

  15. #15
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    No, I didn't pick my girl friend because she is Filipina. I think it is crazy to pick a partner on which country they were born in. The people who pick they partner because she is a Filipina probably do so with an opinion that the vast majority of Filipinas have the same traits.

    I am Welsh. I have never mined, hate rugby (football is our national sport anyhow), but I am a great singer! And no, I haven't had relations with sheep (YAWN!).

    Before my girlfriend met me in the net, she was friendly with an American that loved Asian women. So much so, he had about 200 in his YM list - which upset her when she found out. She asked me - do I like Asians only? The truth is I don't. I loved her when I saw she was a good person and a great mother. If things don't work out for us, my next girlfriend could come from anywhere in the world. A nationality isn't a trait.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ady View Post
    If things don't work out for us, my next girlfriend could come from anywhere in the world.
    Sounds like a plan "B".....

  17. #17
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Didn't know what the Wife looked like when we first chated and i didn't have a scooby about phill all i knew was some old bird from there had a lot of shoes.

  18. #18
    Respected Member benb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Didn't know what the Wife looked like when we first chated and i didn't have a scooby about phill all i knew was some old bird from there had a lot of shoes.

  19. #19
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by benb View Post

    Basically we bumped into one another on the web and where we lived wasn't mentioned at first. Neither of us was even considering dating at the time.

  20. #20
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Didn't know what the Wife looked like when we first chated and i didn't have a scooby about phill all i knew was some old bird from there had a lot of shoes.
    That's true for me also. I did not even know how to spell Philippines and only knew of Emelda's shoe collection!
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  21. #21
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Best choice
    not that much physically attracted but been inlove from his attitude and habit
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  22. #22
    Respected Member Geraldine's Avatar
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    Its understandable if some of us had bad experiences with Filipino bfs however not all, some of my friends back home got really loving and faithful Filipino husbands. I had my share of bad relationships but not to the point that they cheated on me. I just find caucasians more attractive and happened to meet one..well a few but my husbands got more 'pogi' points!

    You are right Benb but that is fine they can post freely even its out of topic.

  23. #23
    Respected Member benb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geraldine View Post
    Its understandable if some of us had bad experiences with Filipino bfs however not all, some of my friends back home got really loving and faithful Filipino husbands. I had my share of bad relationships but not to the point that they cheated on me. I just find caucasians more attractive and happened to meet one..well a few but my husbands got more 'pogi' points!

    You are right Benb but that is fine they can post freely even its out of topic.
    I agree too.

    Best Wishes,

  24. #24
    Respected Member jackmac452's Avatar
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    Hmm.. asked my missus what she saw in me and she said...her ex.hubby was bad !!! (he even threatened to kill me if he met me) but changed his mind when told I had the money to sort him out good...anyway..she said, she always feels that she is treated on an equal footing with me which is true..She also said I was Pangit..but that did not matter as no other lady would want me (how wrong she was hahaha..but I've never played away from home..nor would I) I love her because she is always happy..truthfull and not wanting everything she see's (which lot's of English women seem to do)..but most of all...everytime I see her..something tugs at my heart strings and a smile comes on my face.. I didn't even know she was Filipino...thought she was Chinese when I met her.I have met lots of her friends from the Filipines and they are all good and beautiful ladies to me....only thing is she comes from Limasawa? wheres that? Leyte somewhere..

  25. #25
    Respected Member Geraldine's Avatar
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    Im usually mistaken for Thai or Chinese as well...I guess Filipinos are not that popular here in UK.

    Its hard to tell sometimes from Thai/Malaysian/Indonesian/Filipinos but you can tell the difference when they speak. My husband said you all look alike and I said to him, you all look alike as well!

  26. #26
    Respected Member benb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geraldine View Post
    I guess Filipinos are not that popular here in UK.
    I noticed that many Filipinos here don't smile as much! Perhaps, this is one of the reason that they are not as popular. I'm sure that most are really nice, maybe just too shy/reserved?

    But when I am in the Philippines, everyone seem to be smiling and wanting to talk to me.

    Sorry Geraldine, I'm off topic here.

  27. #27
    Respected Member katie37pinayuk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geraldine View Post
    Hi all!

    Out of curiosity...where you generally attracted to Asians/Caucasians before you finally met your partners-your true love? Or where you specifically looking for Filipinas/Brits rather than Thai/Americans or other nationality? You know what i mean...

    In my case, I find some caucasians in general attractive although I did have a few Filipino bfs before. Then when I met my husband, I said, gosh he is really good looking and hot! However my husband had a few Thai ex-gfs before he met me-his first Filipina gf, now wife and will make sure his last!! Lucky bloke!
    i was hesitant to go on dates with caucasians when i got here in the uk ...well first cos i came here for work. second, my impression of them was they are forward and aggressive. however when i get invited for an evening meal out by an english colleague ...that changed my view as he was a perfect gentleman and a seriously honest person. although we were not a happy ending...still and since then i trust them more than men of my own nationality...

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    Ive always found non Caucasian wasn't until my first visit to Philippines it hit me just how attractive the filipinas are.

    Still one can live in hope....

  29. #29
    Respected Member Geraldine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by steve_conway View Post
    Ive always found non Caucasian wasn't until my first visit to Philippines it hit me just how attractive the filipinas are.

    Still one can live in hope....
    So are you in search of a Filipina girlfriend? Im sure there are loads of available girls in this forum.

  30. #30
    Newbie (Restricted Access) paul brogden's Avatar
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    thats very interesting well no i looked for asian girls not matter if they are chinese thai or phil as asian girls in general are sexy to me. perhaps they are more attentive than white women but i did notice one thing when an asian girl loves you its great but they can feel clingy. does any men feel this too some times????????????

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