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Thread: Hi there!

  1. #1
    Member remee_milano's Avatar
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    Hi there!

    Im Zobel, from Naga City. im a new member here..
    My fiance and i will be applying for a visa soon sometime in August..

    We were penpals for more than 6 years already and we really never thought it would be possible for us to be together, because of time constraint, money, distance, was only pure friendship... and hehe me, being kuripot thinks that its not practical for him to be travelling from UK to Phil just to just me..hehe...

    Until last year, November 2005 we decided to meet up, once and for all..hehe...
    It was January 15, 2006 when he first visited me... hehe i could still remember how it felt, how happy i was, happy we were! It was a 2 week unforgetable experience.

    Things changed from then on... He likes the Philippines, he likes the climate, the food, the warmth of the people etc... He was never hard to be pleased.. He is downhearted and patient and super Gwapo hehe (well u may think he is not but hey, he definitely he is for me!) and silly too, he has a great sense of humour!

    Then he visited again for the 2nd time this May... was only a week tho, then he proposed...

    Ah hope things will be well for both of us..I really pray...

    Though we are "appart" now, i think its worth the wait...
    Patience is a virtue come to think of it.. (ahh tho we are becoming impatient )

    Thank you,
    Hope im welcome here...


    Hi im Jay the one Zobel has just been talking about. She really just summed up the basics of it already leaving me only random things to add. But we both are so happy together and she really is such a wonderful person. Im so happy and proud to be with her.

    We are preparing the visa application but have heard many stories of how things could go have gone etc.. its quite daunting preparing for it. but its better to be prepared than not at all. we really would like to be together soon. so are aiming to apply shortly. Our actual time together in person is quite short and am thinking that could be a problem in the application.

    We would really appreciate your advice and help. Thank you in advance.

    Take good care


  2. #2
    Respected Member russ01539's Avatar
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    Welcome to the site on behalfof all of us who are already members here.

    You will find this a cool forum, with all the information you need and people prepared to answer any questions regarding your application. However you really should read some of the past links, especially from all the others who have been thru it.

    Speaking from personal experience, I had a dreadful time getting asawa ko here, but she landed on May 2nd and we havent looked back since.

    To answer your first question about the time you have had together, the fact you were penpals (so long as you can prove it) for 6 years will stand you in good stead, and that you have been to Pi twice at least is also good. It is important you have as much evidence of the time you spend together as possible. My motto was - 'keep everything - no matter how trivial. From airline tickets to hotel receipts, phone logs, photos. everything basically. So long as you have all this in an easy to read file to be presented with your application you will have no problems on your application.

    Once again, welcome to the site and I wish you all the best for your application. (Mel&Ivor, Ginaperterb, Walesrob and Win2Win are the best people to offer any technical advise regarding your application preperation and submittal - good luck.)

  3. #3
    Banned ivor&mel's Avatar
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    Hi Zobel and Jay,

    And welcome to the forum. As Russ says, this is the best place to get whatever information and advice you may need. Have a read of previous postings to get a flavour of what lies ahead for you both, and you'll find lots of practical information on Pete's site.

    Yours is a lovely story (my daughter tells me men shouldn't use the world "lovely"! But I'm 101 so I can do what I want ) and you have an excellent basis for a visa application. Just make sure you put in the time and effort together to understand what's needed and to prepare well. As Russ says, you should be collecting all the "evidence of relationship" that you can muster: the more the better.

    Good luck to you both on your quest

  4. #4
    Respected Member Gensanbritish's Avatar
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    hi Zobel

    Hi Zobel,

    Im Jovelyn from General Santos city. I married to a british guy last February 4. And this month i will apply for Settlement Visa. Ohh my im really nervous with this, for the interview. I really wish they will grant me a visa coz i really miss my hubby very much... hope we can be friends... pls add me to your yahoo coz i want u to be my friend... Goodluck.. GOd bless you

    Jovelyn G. Dallow

  5. #5
    Member remee_milano's Avatar
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    Thank yo for all the overwhelming..

    Yup we all have the stuffs.hehe I really hope they will be all ok..

    I live in Naga City and Manila is an 8 hour trip from here..
    Do you think i need to submit all the requirements personally? or thru post?
    Hmmm.. this is really hehe confusing...
    if thru mail? do i need to inform the embassy that im sending the post or applying for visa? or just send them? ahhh hehe

    Pls help me out here..hehe thank you

    May God bless you all,

  6. #6
    Respected Member russ01539's Avatar
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    I think you will find a courier will come and collect your application visa. My fiance called the embassy and they sent the courier to collect the application on her behalf. She thinks this service is Nationwide in Pi, she personally came from Pampanga. (she is also at pains to tell you she is originally from Mindanao).

    I would advise that when you have your application ready that you call the embassy and they will arrange a date for collection, but if not you could send by courier yourself. You dont need to take it personally to the embassy though, they would accept it if you did that anyway. Its a busy place so the less people attending there the better.

  7. #7
    Respected Member Gensanbritish's Avatar
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    HI Zobel,

    Its me Jovelyn remember? i will submit my documents soon. I will phone the courier ( 2go aboitiz) and arrange for pick up. I also email the embassy and they gave me that number and they said i will phone them as long as all my documents are complete... ikaw when u apply for ur visa?? sana sabay tau nohhh!!!!

    Lyn lyn ( windchime)

  8. #8
    Banned ivor&mel's Avatar
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    Hi Zobel,

    Not sure that this has been made clear:

    In order to apply for a visa in the Philippines, you need to contact the UK Visa Application Collection Service (UKVACS) or visit their office.

    The embassy does not accept direct applications.

  9. #9
    Member remee_milano's Avatar
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    Hi Thank you everyone.. Things are more clearer now..
    This forum is indeed a big help!

  10. #10
    Member remee_milano's Avatar
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    Ermm, just wondering, how much should be the "fiance's bank account balance" so that the application will not be refused on the grounds of lack of funds or unable to support etc... things like that?

  11. #11
    Member remee_milano's Avatar
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    Hi Lynlyn, course i do remember you! IBy the way thank you for the photo you have sent me, lovely..

    We'll be applying asap.. Just waiting for the other documents from him..

    May God bless us all..
    Thank you again.

    Take care too


  12. #12
    Respected Member Gensanbritish's Avatar
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    hi zobel

    Hi Zobel,

    I hope to chat u soon. Im so excited to start my application. Sana sabay tau heheh.. thanks pala sa text mo... hope to hear from you soon


  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Hi married to a Brit almost 3 years ago. I understand that overwhelming feelings to be with someone you love. In my case the easiest way to get here in the UK is to apply for a fiance visa. In my case I was granted my visa just a month after I lodged my application. There are no hassles when it comes to requirements. It's just straightforward, really. Donno if it still works the same now. But when I applied for my visa all they asked from me was my passport, completed application form of course and birth certificate...the rest were supplied by my husband. Besides, it's good to come here as a fiance visa first coz you'll never know if you would really get on with him. You know it's different if you will just be meeting and spending time with him for a short span of time. You will only know the real person once you gotta live with him. Goodluck

  14. #14
    Respected Member Gensanbritish's Avatar
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    hi Tetla

    Hi Tetla,

    Your right but me i got married here in the Philippines last february 4, 2006. And soon i will lodge my application maybe next week after i receive all the evidences from my husband. How i wish i can get this visa sorted very soon. Its really sad without your husband here . And wish me goodluck...

    Jovelyn G. Dallow ( from General Santos City)

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