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Thread: filesharing

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  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    if the cops haven't got time for credit card fraud, then they will not have time for file sharers, near me the pr8ts use to take the , selling cds outside the computer show, at least 20 people selling them, and my brothers g/f, her sister is married to a plod, he use to goto the show and buy the dodgy cd's and sell them to plods in the cop station

    i want to know who says you can not record a match, where in the law does it say you cannot, is it not a public place? ,you've paid your fee, just like the pictures and other places like that, where they will not allow you to take food or drink in, who gives them this right ? what law gives them this power ? you have to pay their rip off prices, and there is no competition inside, they have a Monopoly

    we took our daughter when she was 6 to the gmex in manchester, they told her she couldn't take her drink inside, , and they even search people bags, where your civil rights

    its corporate theft, Profiteering and yet they get away with it..

  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    if the cops haven't got time for credit card fraud, then they will not have time for file sharers, near me the pr8ts use to take the , selling cds outside the computer show, at least 20 people selling them, and my brothers g/f, her sister is married to a plod, he use to goto the show and buy the dodgy cd's and sell them to plods in the cop station

    i want to know who says you can not record a match, where in the law does it say you cannot, is it not a public place? ,you've paid your fee, just like the pictures and other places like that, where they will not allow you to take food or drink in, who gives them this right ? what law gives them this power ? you have to pay their rip off prices, and there is no competition inside, they have a Monopoly

    we took our daughter when she was 6 to the gmex in manchester, they told her she couldn't take her drink inside, , and they even search people bags, where your civil rights

    its corporate theft, Profiteering and yet they get away with it..
    The police and CPS dont get involved with these procescutions the companies normally take them to court themselves.

    I don't know all the rules and laws but trust me read a ticket or season ticket and it will tell you that they will ask you to leave and ban you if caught filming a match.
    I guess its like a Pub or cinema its private propety so can invite who they like and ask them to bring or not bring what they like within reason.
    Many Pubs i know of and nearly all cinemas will kick you out if taking photos unless of your own party you went with.

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    true, but i wonder if someone took one of these picture chains or arenas to court what would be the outcome ?

    British law, is suppose to be built on the principals of what is fair and reasonable, i don't see how a judge or jury could or would think that banning people from taking a picture, bringing in their own food or drink is fair or reasonable , understandable if its a restaurant or food shop.

    but these pictures and arenas sell their own drinks and foods inside at very high prices and you cannot leave the place to go and eat or drink outside, they will not let you back in. and so for a couple of hours you have no choice if you want to eat or drink

    to me its not fair and like i said no competition, i really don't know how they can get away with it..

    rant over, something for the competition committee to look into

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    come on carphone warehouse

    I'm still waiting for a letter, running low on toilet paper

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