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  1. #1
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Something will happen as filesharing is out of control and some of the only money making comapnies in the UK are the worse hit.

    A bloke who works at a media publishing company was telling me Thursday they have real big problems in several industries he has heard of.

    From the record, film and software companies to the disribution comapnies, manufactuers, print firms, graphic design. Even magazine and other advertising comapanies are up the swany at the moment. Plus all the support agencies

    Dont forget as well as all the pop/movie stars paid to much and fat cat record company execs are loads of working class men and women like you and me Joe.

    File sharing I remeber years back was a bit of a joke and a sort your act out to the big comapnies but what if everyday people put you out of your security guard, office cleaner or receptionist job because they broke the law and stole the product which paid your wages?

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    was it that was sued for selling imported music cds ? because the greedy record companies wanted the brits to pay more for it than anywhere else ??

    if i down load and watch the latest csi from a torrent site, the show will be shown on ch4 weeks or months later, what difference does it make, yes i could wait for it to be shown on ch4 and record it on dvd recorder, what's the record button for then ?
    why not sue sky and the dvd recorder manufacturer's ?. or worse with the sky box where you can store it, what's the difference if i download it from a torrent site ? who's the victim, i suppose ch4 because no one would be watching the ads btw the breaks, but who watches and buys from ads anyway ??

    as for mp3's radio head, not a fan, they put their l8st album as a download on the net, and you could pay what you wanted, they suppose to have made more money from that, than all their other albums..

    video games - Nintendo in the last year they had their best sales figures ever..

    films. many are cams,. who the hell watches cams. they should pay people for watching them

    rip off Britian , rip them off back..

  3. #3
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    was it that was sued for selling imported music cds ? because the greedy record companies wanted the brits to pay more for it than anywhere else ??

    if i down load and watch the latest csi from a torrent site, the show will be shown on ch4 weeks or months later, what difference does it make, yes i could wait for it to be shown on ch4 and record it on dvd recorder, what's the record button for then ?
    why not sue sky and the dvd recorder manufacturer's ?. or worse with the sky box where you can store it, what's the difference if i download it from a torrent site ? who's the victim, i suppose ch4 because no one would be watching the ads btw the breaks, but who watches and buys from ads anyway ??

    as for mp3's radio head, not a fan, they put their l8st album as a download on the net, and you could pay what you wanted, they suppose to have made more money from that, than all their other albums..

    video games - Nintendo in the last year they had their best sales figures ever..

    films. many are cams,. who the hell watches cams. they should pay people for watching them

    rip off Britian , rip them off back..

    i agree they were ripping off peeps.

    Nintendo only make money as most people dont yet know how to copy the games its very easy if you are so inclined im led to belive both the ds and wiii

    But filesharing is out of control and affecting the nations internet infrastructure and basically breaking the law. Intresting since filesharing has developed and become the norm people seem to wonder why the young take no notice of the law as all the oldies are busy nicking all they can off the net

    As joe why dont you just take the cds out of the shop if you want to protest

    Only having a bubble not that concerned personally but if as many people ripped off their taxes or avoid paying public transport those markets would collaspe.

    Looks like it will soon happen with the oyster will you northners be prepared to pay more tax when LU need more money due to lost revenue when all us londoners are using cracked oysters

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    about the companies you mentioned struggling - is it because of recession or because of file sharing, pr8t dvds fund world terrorism,crime and drug cartels

    easy to blame file sharing for everything, Nintendo are doing good because of the add ons they did for the wii. xbox and ps3 are more powerful, and i think dearer than wii or was, and it was in the shops, so it sold.

    have you ever photocopied anything you didn't have the copywriter holders permission ? have you ever taped anything off the radio or tv ?

    piracy also creates jobs, for the isp's dvd manufacturers etc..

    drop the prices and people will buy ... sell cheap, you'll sell more, and make more..

    if films that were on at the pics for a few weeks, then a couple of months later they were released on dvd for say £5, how many more would they sell ?

    there will always be piracy, but if they made products that were affordable, then many more would buy them,,

  5. #5
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    about the companies you mentioned struggling - is it because of recession or because of file sharing, pr8t dvds fund world terrorism,crime and drug cartels

    easy to blame file sharing for everything, Nintendo are doing good because of the add ons they did for the wii. xbox and ps3 are more powerful, and i think dearer than wii or was, and it was in the shops, so it sold.

    have you ever photocopied anything you didn't have the copywriter holders permission ? have you ever taped anything off the radio or tv ?

    piracy also creates jobs, for the isp's dvd manufacturers etc..

    drop the prices and people will buy ... sell cheap, you'll sell more, and make more..

    if films that were on at the pics for a few weeks, then a couple of months later they were released on dvd for say £5, how many more would they sell ?

    there will always be piracy, but if they made products that were affordable, then many more would buy them,,
    Joe i always check what im allowed to copy, and you are allowed to tape of radio and tv for your own use

    The companies i was told about are definetly suffering from the fact people rarely now pay for the products, he wasn't trying to convince me or spin me. just telling me the facts as he was talking mainly about a lot of the indie companies which are either almost dead or long gone. About mates we both had who are now out of the industry.

    I know people will always copy this or that. But the problem is now no one wants to pay at all. The general attitude is why pay for it i will just take it.
    How can you argue about kids stealing your ipod if all the music/videos is stolen on it?
    Problem is that attiutude has moved into other areas on a scale i have never known in my short life.

    I just feels it was something which did what you said which has now turned into a monster and the implications go further than companies losing products.

    Just joking below

    So joe would you say Knife and gun crime is good as it reduces the population very green, means less people chasing jobs. More guns and knifes sold which is good for industry and the resellers. Also good for the medical supply industy and undertakers. Also means we have more police and medics whose wages will trickle in the ecomony.

    In fact more murders could be a way of boosting the ecomony in these tough times

    Same with burlgary locksmiths,security, glass repair, alarm companies the list goes on

    I may write to gordon

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