was it play.com that was sued for selling imported music cds ? because the greedy record companies wanted the brits to pay more for it than anywhere else ??
if i down load and watch the latest csi from a torrent site, the show will be shown on ch4 weeks or months later, what difference does it make, yes i could wait for it to be shown on ch4 and record it on dvd recorder, what's the record button for then ?
why not sue sky and the dvd recorder manufacturer's ?. or worse with the sky box where you can store it, what's the difference if i download it from a torrent site ? who's the victim, i suppose ch4 because no one would be watching the ads btw the breaks, but who watches and buys from ads anyway ??
as for mp3's radio head, not a fan, they put their l8st album as a download on the net, and you could pay what you wanted, they suppose to have made more money from that, than all their other albums..
video games - Nintendo in the last year they had their best sales figures ever..
films. many are cams,. who the hell watches cams. they should pay people for watching them
rip off Britian , rip them off back..