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  1. #1
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    andy, the last 2 companies i worked for in the last 2yrs went bust, not because of piracy, but because the market changed, and they didn't change with the times..

    markets come and go, i know of people who use to sell MS licenses, they made a good living doing it, it was a big market, and nearly overnight it ended, when MS put a stop to it,, can you not sell something you've bought to someone else ? even if it is s/w with a license ?

    are you allowed to copy a film off the tv and keep it in your collection ?? what's the difference then btw that and one from a torrent site ? esp if its been broadcasted on tv in the uk ??

    oh i was really young in those days , but you can see people made alot more than i did, and i did all the work, assembly language programming, written on scraps of paper

    i'm not for or against it, but i do download csi for the misses,becuase she cannot wait , but until they drop the prices, then for me, they deserve what they get..
    Joe i have no problems with people filesharing we all swaped tapes as kids etc.

    But its the change in attitude which is scary.

    Forget the music software business.

    A young person now belives they can have or take what they like it seems in some cases or at least the lines are very unclear.

    So if you had a ipod stolen off you with all bootleged software would you complain?

    Many youngsters find it had to see the difference.

    You downloading a missed copy of csi makati is not the big problem.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i think many people see piracy as a victimless crime or corporate crime,virtual crime ,
    i wouldn't go and steal an ipod, or a physical item, but downloading a tv show or cartoons for the kids to watch , yes it is still theft, but as it is not a physical item, then if i wasn't going to buy it anyway, then the publisher has not lost out, i mean how many programs have you tried and thought it was a load of , especially games , charge you £40 and 10 mins it's never played again..

    any why can you not get the l8st dvds and music from libraries, why only books ? and why are the publishes not broke because of libraries ?

    music, film and others have to move with the times..

  3. #3
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    The thing is, there's so, so, many people downloading illegal stuff, limewire and azerous themselves have a feature that shows there are millions of users!! - Do you really think they'll bother prosecuting millions of us? It seems unlikely to me, and someone told me that there is some kind of "cloaking" software that can sort of camoflage what your downloading..if that's true everyone will be using it in no time!

    I agree that this downloading is wrong, but I'm pessimistic that they'll be able to stop people..

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  4. #4
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Radiohead once made one of their albums available to download, and fans were free to pay whatever they felt the album was worth! So if you felt the album was a pile of rubbish you pay nothing, if you loved it, you still pay nothing apparently some of the fans did pay money even though they didn't have to which is interesting...

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  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Radiohead's seventh album, In Rainbows, was released in October 2007 as a digital download for which customers chose their own price. Although it was reported that 1.2 million digital downloads were sold by the day of the album's release,[48] the band's management did not release official sales figures, claiming that the Internet-only distribution was intended to boost sales of the physical album.[48][49] Yet according to Yorke, Radiohead's profits from the digital download of In Rainbows outstripped combined profits from digital downloads of all of the band's other studio albums.[

  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    Radiohead once made one of their albums available to download, and fans were free to pay whatever they felt the album was worth! So if you felt the album was a pile of rubbish you pay nothing, if you loved it, you still pay nothing apparently some of the fans did pay money even though they didn't have to which is interesting...
    Some paid well over the avg price

  7. #7
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    The thing is, there's so, so, many people downloading illegal stuff, limewire and azerous themselves have a feature that shows there are millions of users!! - Do you really think they'll bother prosecuting millions of us? It seems unlikely to me, and someone told me that there is some kind of "cloaking" software that can sort of camoflage what your downloading..if that's true everyone will be using it in no time!

    I agree that this downloading is wrong, but I'm pessimistic that they'll be able to stop people..
    Thats why the BPI want to just cut people off or at least downgrade them

    I doubt it will happen unless the french push it though at european level.

    People say human rights and the right to browse the web but its not the same as engery or water. They could allow you a walled internet i guess like Joes Proxy at work banning many ports and websites etc. The mobile phone companies have done it for years not that hard to implment.

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    i guess like Joes Proxy at work banning many ports and websites etc. The mobile phone companies have done it for years not that hard to implment.
    but someone has turned on the content screening at work, of course they should, but who the hell decided this was a dating site ?? !! i can go on nearly every site i want, except here

    from what i've seen others at work spend their time on sky sports website looking at what horses to back

  9. #9
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i think many people see piracy as a victimless crime or corporate crime,virtual crime ,
    i wouldn't go and steal an ipod, or a physical item, but downloading a tv show or cartoons for the kids to watch , yes it is still theft, but as it is not a physical item, then if i wasn't going to buy it anyway, then the publisher has not lost out, i mean how many programs have you tried and thought it was a load of , especially games , charge you £40 and 10 mins it's never played again..

    any why can you not get the l8st dvds and music from libraries, why only books ? and why are the publishes not broke because of libraries ?

    music, film and others have to move with the times..
    Joe our london Libraries have videos and music even computers and lights

    A lot of people are members of the postal dvd, music and games where you can rent for as long as you like a certain amount of dvds for a certain tariff.
    Which i think is the way forward

    Do people really watch films over and over I just cant do it as i know the ending already

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