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Thread: Farewell, Syd

  1. #1
    Banned ivor&mel's Avatar
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    Farewell, Syd

    Sad to say that Syd Barrett died today He was always the true genius and driving force behind the early Pink Floyd. Now, no more crazy diamond. But at least he's left his legacy in all those wonderful new homes across the country...

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Ah least Bruce Dickinson is still alive
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Banned ivor&mel's Avatar
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    So's Keith Richards... but I'm never 100% convinced

  4. #4
    Respected Member russ01539's Avatar
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    Syd Barrett was a legend in my eyes, and it saddens me to read of his death. Did anone know he turned up out of the blue for the original studio recording of 'Shine on your crazy diamonds' ?

    When I read about it I thought about an article I read yesterday reporting that the rrest of the band would love to refoem for one last concert with ALL past and current members present. What a treat that would have been.

    Personally I am too young to ever have seen him live, but I was in Berlin for the Wall Concert. Waters is good but Barrett was just head and shoulders above him.

    Echoes is my favourite Floyd tune.

  5. #5
    Banned ivor&mel's Avatar
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    Sad to say, personal tragedy makes legends of many in the music business. Buddy Holly... Hendrix... Jim Morrison... -> Kurt Cobain... But Syd was different - he seems to have endured a living death for years and years.

    There was a TV programme about him a few years ago, wasn't there? My remembrance of it is a bit vague now. It was really sad to see the state he was in, just looked so beyond help. And then he disappeared again...

    I've got a bike, you can ride it if you like.
    It's got a basket, a bell that rings
    and things to make it look good

    Thanks, Syd

  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ivor&mel
    Sad to say, personal tragedy makes legends of many in the music business. Buddy Holly... Hendrix... Jim Morrison... -> Kurt Cobain...
    ....Johnathan Ross....
    Keith - Administrator

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