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Thread: Make money!! :-)

  1. #1
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Make money!! :-)

    I reckon the only real way to make money in Britain is to get a mortgage on a property (even if it's just a one bedroom flat like me and Vimvie have..) in 20 years time it could be worth three times more than you payed for it. I've recently had the opportunity to buy a freehold garage and although I don't even need it, I borrowed a further £14,000 on my mortgage to buy it. I may rent it out but it's full of my old junk at the moment. So what I'm saying is, if you intend to live in this country for 20 or 25 years, buy a property! I can't believe that sometimes people get the opportunity to buy their council houses at a discounted price - and they turn the offer down! Buy! Buy! Buy! Not buying could mean you've thrown away the chance of ever making any money!! Renting a place means your throwing your money away, get a mortgage on a property and you'll be quids in the future!

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  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    the prices of houses are too inflated like your font

    buy it cheap, sell it high.. timing is everything..

    another real wayto make money, is get a good paid job

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    I reckon the only real way to make money in Britain is to get a mortgage on a property (even if it's just a one bedroom flat like me and Vimvie have..) in 20 years time it could be worth three times more than you payed for it. I've recently had the opportunity to buy a freehold garage and although I don't even need it, I borrowed a further £14,000 on my mortgage to buy it. I may rent it out but it's full of my old junk at the moment. So what I'm saying is, if you intend to live in this country for 20 or 25 years, buy a property! I can't believe that sometimes people get the opportunity to buy their council houses at a discounted price - and they turn the offer down! Buy! Buy! Buy! Not buying could mean you've thrown away the chance of ever making any money!! Renting a place means your throwing your money away, get a mortgage on a property and you'll be quids in the future!
    Slight problem:

    1) Houses are too expensive
    2) Banks are not lending money to buy houses

    Theres no proof a house bought today will be worth 3 times its value in the future. We've had 10 years of house prices going through the roof, now its all stabilising a bit, even falling in places. The good times wont last.

    Seems a nice idea though.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    another real wayto make money, is get a good paid job
    Even they are getting difficult to find, as I've found out..

  5. #5
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Oh come on guys!! Think of it this way...if you mortgage a property it could all go wrong and you could end up with nothing...if you rent all your'll definately end up with nothing! So buy if you can, I'm struggling with a mortgage right now, but I reckon it will all come good in the future!

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  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Why risk money for 3 years when you can make money today?
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #7
    andypaul's Avatar
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    On Channel four they had a debate on the seven o clock news the other day. It was a follow up to one a few months back.

    A few months back two of the "experts" said oh its just a blip the prices are just correcting and one guy had the same view as me and many others i meet.

    The housing market will drop at least 25 percent in the next year or so possibly more as once they tumble they normally keep going downwards. The housing market will not reach the old levels for a long time unless something extra ordinaryhappens

    The two experts on the pannel had now changed their minds and thought along similar lines to the other.

  8. #8
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    One of my wine buying punters, an Estate Agent, told me around 9 months ago that it was going to be real grim for the next couple of years....
    Since then, he had to cut his staff down from 9 to 3, and he does all the surveying and things by himself...
    Some months, he has to pay his employees by withdrawing money on his credit cards....

    You guess right....
    He hasn't been drinking wine for a while..........

  9. #9
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    Hallo postman Pat.......
    Nice to see you out and about...

    That font you use is doing my head in....


  10. #10
    Respected Member Sangoma's Avatar
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    I've had this discussion dozens of times with people, and I would agree to buy your main residence. But the discussion never seems to have a conclusive outcome.
    Where we are the cost of renting is the same as paying off a mortgage, so even if you sell the house for 25p when you have paid for it, you are 25p better off than you would have been renting.
    Hopefully, if everyone hasn't died on earth, or more likely the government decides it owns all you own, you will do a lot better.

    Buying to rent is something to look at a bit more carefully, but if you can only just afford it, or have to advance on your home loan to buy, then don't.
    If you aree expecting a quick return, don't. Usually though in the long term, you will gain. Had you ahve bought 15 years ago, you would be well ahead, but if you bought 2 years ago, you won't be on top yet.

    If you understand all the ins and outs, you would probably be OK. If you need help on it, better to learn more first.

    The maximum % you can make without risk is reflected by what you can get from a bank. Anything more means more risk, some people are prepared to take more risks than others, and of course are quite likely to make more than the more careful people. At the same time, they will lose more if things go TU.

    Ever noticed how the schemes that offer quick returns, even suggesting they are certain, never carry any risk for the person promoting them? They sell their ideas to you to risk your money, but they have made theirs, whether you win or lose.

    For the last couple of years, I have left my money in the bank. If the property market collapses, I will be in a position to take advantage of it, and that will put me 10-15 years ahead of those who have bought in the last couple of years.

    Some people would say I must make it work harder for me, but personally I am happy with the security I have with low risk investment.

  11. #11
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Is this font better? Come on guys!! Buy! Buy! Buy! One day me and my gorgeous filipna extraordinaire wife will want to go back to the Philippines and retire one day...and I imagine most of you will want to aswell, but how are you going to do it if you have no assets...

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  12. #12
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    ..... but how are you going to do it if you have no assets...
    Parents!!! Will
    Keith - Administrator

  13. #13
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    Is this font better? Come on guys!! Buy! Buy! Buy! One day me and my gorgeous filipna extraordinaire wife will want to go back to the Philippines and retire one day...and I imagine most of you will want to aswell, but how are you going to do it if you have no assets...
    Money in the bank

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    . I'm struggling with a mortgage right now, but I reckon it will all come good in the future!
    r u an estate agent ??

    great idea , I'll buy your house at a cheap price when its repossessed .............. only joking , i hope it don't happen , but with inflation going up, fuel prices , petrol, and people who borrowed too much, we will see repos going higher..

    but media, estate agents,banks etc all said there wouldn't be a crash, with another major American bank going bust, and more in trouble, more uk companies going bust - i know of a few near me, where i work went bust 2wks ago, our babyminder , her husband was made redundant a few weeks ago,, not a good time to be buying anything, only time i'll buy in the uk is when prices are at its lowest.. before i buy a house in the uk, i'll buy a house in the phils first.

  15. #15
    Respected Member telford's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    r u an estate agent ??

    great idea , I'll buy your house at a cheap price when its repossessed .............. only joking , i hope it don't happen , but with inflation going up, fuel prices , petrol, and people who borrowed too much, we will see repos going higher..

    but media, estate agents,banks etc all said there wouldn't be a crash, with another major American bank going bust, and more in trouble, more uk companies going bust - i know of a few near me, where i work went bust 2wks ago, our babyminder , her husband was made redundant a few weeks ago,, not a good time to be buying anything, only time i'll buy in the uk is when prices are at its lowest.. before i buy a house in the uk, i'll buy a house in the phils first.
    thats what happen to us! we have our own house here in Philippines, but when we go back there, we will be renting again!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Parents!!! Will

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