hello im a newbie here i been reading posts here about
child benefit and found out things helpful but one thing
i would like to know if my husbands 1500 pounds/m wage
will qualify him to obtain child and other benefits.
hello im a newbie here i been reading posts here about
child benefit and found out things helpful but one thing
i would like to know if my husbands 1500 pounds/m wage
will qualify him to obtain child and other benefits.
You will get about 72.00 a month for starters and then just apply for Chlid/Working tax credit as long as your husband is British.
i thought you can apply working tax credit if you earn less than £18,000.00 per annum
i thought you can't have a child tax credit if your child is not british citizen even if the father is british.
coz thats what the tax revenue told us. bcoz our daughter visa is no access to public funds.
as if we dont know that lol.
Tax credit is not a public fund!
Keith - Administrator
so tax credit and child benefit are not public funds, but how come the HM revenue and custom said we can't access to child benefit or child tax credit whatever it was lol
how come some people here they can claim a child allowance from the gov even that child is not british yet
my daughter have british passport as well as philippine passport.coz we need her philippine passport to show to the immigration that she is filipino citizen as well, so that she dont need to pay extension of her stay her in Philippines
hi telford, ah so your daughter have her british passport before she went to UK, may daughter only have a phil passport bcoz at the UK embassy before we can't apply for british passport for her bcoz her dad wasn't there in person to fill up and sign the form.
i dont know if there's a way she can apply for a british citizen now that shes here or we have to wait for 2 years to do that ILR.
u can claim the child benefit if ur child is born here in UK.
you get 18 80 a week for your first child if born in uk or born in the E E c does not matter if your husbands or wifes are on 50.000.pounds aweek your sill get child benefit
as far as i remember, it doesnt matter if her dad is not around, as mother you can apply passport for her, you just submit the birth cert of the child bearing the name of the british dad, you also need to submit your marraige contract.
i think you can apply her british passport anytime as she is really a british citizen coz her dad is british.
Child benifits is given to ILR holders and British nationals. Not work permit holders. ANd it's a public funds.
You can claim other benefits if you apply for it or phone this 08453003900. Thats what we did recently. hope this can help...
Hello Tigers0608, we just arrived here in the UK last December. My children are also holding Filipino passport as they are born in the Philippines and you are right that on the visa it says 'no recourse on public funds' but we applied and it was approved. They even give us 3 months backpay and starting this month we opted to be paid monthly. So, you can!
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as most on here are married to british guys, then the father can claim tax creds and child benefit for the child, it doesn't matter if it says no recourse to public funds in the childs passport, as the father is claiming it, not the child, i take it, it still says that because the mother doesn't have ILR yet.
but if you, the mother doesn't have ILR, i hope your not claiming tax creds or child benefit,as tax creds is classed as a public fund, you both have to fill the form in, but only he can claim it !!, so i hope you didn't tick the box that you want to claim it.. this could effect your claim for ILR.
as for 18k a year, i don't know who told you that, but i don't think that's true, for a start the gov could pay upto %70 for your childcare costs.
who ever said you cannot claim it becuase the child is not British, well non british europeans working in the uk can claim tax creds and child benefit for thier kids back in their own country
(1) Just because a child has a British father does NOT always mean that the child is automatically a British citizen and can have a British passport. This also depends upon other factors such as where the child, father, and grandfather were born and the nationality of the mother.
(2) Link to the child benefit site is here:
(3) In spite of the fact that my eldest son was born in the UK (British father / Filipina mother), my wife was not allowed to claim child benefit for roughly 10 years.
Did you appeal, or reply apply every year, as you can claim child benefit even if the kid was in the Philippines, they do not check where the child is!! Hence 1,000's of Europeans doing it that way.
Where the mother comes from is irrelevant, the benefit is to pay towards the upbringing of a child in the UK.
Keith - Administrator
Tax Credits are divided into :
Working Tax Credits
and Child Tax Credits
The first port of call would be the HMRC website:
Here you can answer a short survey to see if you are entitled:
BUT, take note of Immigration restrictions:
Subject to Immigration Control
You are subject to immigration control if
• the Home Office says your leave to remain in the United Kingdom (UK) is on the condition that you do not have recourse to public funds, or
• you require leave to enter or remain in the UK, but do not have it.
If you are subject to immigration control, you may still be entitled to tax credits if
• you are claiming as a couple and only one of you is subject to immigration control
• you are a family member of a country in the European Economic Area (EEA) or of Switzerland
• you are a sponsored immigrant under the Home Office rules
• you (or your partner) are legally working in the UK and are nationals of Algeria, Morocco, San Marino, Tunisia or Turkey.
You are not subject to immigration control if you are
• a UK national
• a national of another country in the EEA or of Switzerland
• someone who has been granted indefinite leave to remain in the UK (including those granted humanitarian protection or discretionary leave, previously exceptional leave)
• someone who has been granted asylum in the UK.
You can claim online, but as usual, the online system is kaput, so claim forms can be obtained from Job Centre Plus or by phone on 08453003909.
As you can see on the underlined sentences, if your Wife/husband or Fiance/Fiancee does not have ILR, only the husband/wife Fiance/Fiancee can apply.
No we did nt appeal because about a year after I took an expat job in Oz and then another in the Middle East. It was a long time ago when we first (unsuccessfully) applied and its quite possible the rules have changed over the years.
I wish we had appealed because due to a change in rules last year, mothers that stayed at home to raise a family AND who where in receipt of child allowance can have those years added to the qualifying years for a state pension.
is this mean that my daughters situation is unusual since she's born here in Philippines and have a british father and a filipina mother and she got her passport her in Philippines? when we talk to consul jackson in cebu about her passport,she give us the requirements and after 15 working days we got our baby's british passport with no problem.
My daughter now also have Philippine passport as well as her british passport because boss keith advise as to have it so that she dont need to pay her stay here as a british passport holder coz we been here in Philippines for more than a year now with her Father.
looks like a cut and paste scouser keith
but its worth thinking about where your kids are born..
any phil born child will be British if you are British otherwise than by descent. So it can depend upon where you were born.
If however you "inherited" British Citizenship from your parent(s) but you were born outside the UK, that is you are British by descent, then your children will only be British if born in the UK, but will not be British if born outside the UK.
so a phil-born child is going to be British by descent. That means that their children ... your grandchildren ... will only be British if born in the UK. If born outside the UK then they will not be British.
Compared to ... if the child is born in the UK then they will be British otherwise than by descent ... and thus their children will be British wherever born in the world.
i think its not really unusual, but in manila, they're asking where the father is coz he needs to be there in person to fill in and sign the papers with other people as witness
well thats what happen when we applied for it.
did you apply for your daughter to have a dual citizenship?
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