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Thread: wrong date of marriage in child birth certificate

  1. #1
    Respected Member sweet_cookie08's Avatar
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    wrong date of marriage in child birth certificate

    hi all!

    how are you dear members of this forum? its been awhile since i last posted here.

    not done yet with my documents

    now, its my child's birth certificate. when I gave birth to my child (aug. 1998), I'm not married yet to my ex husband. He was the informant to my child's birth certificate so when he was interviewed by the nurse, he told him that we are married on April 27, 1998 and he will just give the marriage cert later. The nurse believed my ex so she use my ex's surname on her birth cert. But in reality we were not married yet! . We just got married Nov. 27, 1998. Now here's the prob, there's a discrepancy with the month that is written on my child's BC againsts our MC. Just want to ask if anyone here has the same problem or experienced the same problem? If yes, what did you do?

    Would it be an issue to the embassy (ECO who would handle my app) and would cause my visa application to be denied or refused? I'm planning to lodge my visa app this week. Should I risk sending my app and hope and pray that the ECO would not see/notice it and issue me a visa?

    I'm so anxious and depressed already with all these docs problem and im really angry because it is my ex's doing and im suffering the consequences now.

    Need advices from you guys. Cant think anymore. My hubby and I just want to be together soon and we deserve to be happy too.

  2. #2
    Respected Member sweet_cookie08's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweet_cookie08 View Post
    hi all!

    how are you dear members of this forum? its been awhile since i last posted here.

    not done yet with my documents

    now, its my child's birth certificate. when I gave birth to my child (aug. 1998), I'm not married yet to my ex husband. He was the informant to my child's birth certificate so when he was interviewed by the nurse, he told him that we are married on April 27, 1998 and he will just give the marriage cert later. The nurse believed my ex so she use my ex's surname on her birth cert. But in reality we were not married yet! . We just got married Nov. 27, 1998. Now here's the prob, there's a discrepancy with the month that is written on my child's BC againsts our MC. Just want to ask if anyone here has the same problem or experienced the same problem? If yes, what did you do?

    Would it be an issue to the embassy (ECO who would handle my app) and would cause my visa application to be denied or refused? I'm planning to lodge my visa app this week. Should I risk sending my app and hope and pray that the ECO would not see/notice it and issue me a visa?

    I'm so anxious and depressed already with all these docs problem and im really angry because it is my ex's doing and im suffering the consequences now.

    Need advices from you guys. Cant think anymore. My hubby and I just want to be together soon and we deserve to be happy too.
    In addition, me and my ex was annuled already. I'm not sure of would it still matter if there's a discrepancy with my child's BC against our MC?

  3. #3
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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  4. #4
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Hi Sweet Cookie,
    I think as long as the date on your child's BC is correct and you explain the discrepency between this and your marriage certificate date in a covering letter, I think it should be OK.

    I think the main problem your going to have is getting a visa for your child if your ex's name is on the birth certificate. I think they may require some sort of statement from him that he has no objection to you taking the child to the UK on a settlement basis. It's a real shame because if his name was not on the BC, then it usually makes things much easier. If you do have to get his permission then it's very likely he'll expect something in return.

  5. #5
    Respected Member sweet_cookie08's Avatar
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    Mrs Daddy, yes its complicated.. if i could cut off my ex's 2 heads.. I will.. he's really pain in the @#@!#!

    Hi Iain,

    thanks for your message. What made me worried is when someone told me that there's a case same as mine and the spousal visa was refused! :(

    should I tell on my cover letter the truth that it was intentional? My ex did that because he wants my child to use his surname? It can't be typo error because I gave birth month of Aug, we got married Nov, both 1998 and he put the date he put on the marriage cert is only fictional April 27, 1998.

    Not sure if this falls under RA9048. Not sure if there's a need to have it corrected because we the Nov 1998 marriage was declared as NULL and VOID and it would cost me a lot, like 113-227 pounds! oh no! and not sure how long would it take... probably more months..

    im really angry with my ex husband.. he has no brains and no B***s for doing that. and now it causing the delay of my visa app.

    oh please help me guys. dont know what to do... :(

  6. #6
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Hi Sweet Cookie,
    Actually I'n not sure you will need to give details of your marriage or submit that marriage certificate because you have annulment papers so your previous marrige is irrelevent now.

    As I said before, the real problem will be to do with his consent for you to take his/your child to the UK. I just don't know enough about Philippine law to be more precise about what may be required.

    Maybe Mod Pete or Joe might know something more about the legalities involved in this sort of thing. In my own case, my wife's ex was not named on her daughter's BC and she just stated that he never did have any contact with her and did not and never had supported her in any way.

  7. #7
    Respected Member benb's Avatar
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    Hi Sweet Cookie,

    It might be better to get a new BC with the correct/consistent dates printed and if possible omit it.

    My wife had her Date of Birth (DoB) printed differently on her BC and Baptism certificate. Eventually, she got a new BC to make the printed DoB consistent among all her documents.

    If you don't wish to do that, then I agree with Iain and would also suggest to declare all discrepancies upfront. If its an issue with the ECO, they would *probably* ask you to explain the dates on the document.

    Ben B

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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    Hi Sweet Cookie,
    Actually I'n not sure you will need to give details of your marriage or submit that marriage certificate because you have annulment papers so your previous marrige is irrelevent now.

    As I said before, the real problem will be to do with his consent for you to take his/your child to the UK. I just don't know enough about Philippine law to be more precise about what may be required.

    Maybe Mod Pete or Joe might know something more about the legalities involved in this sort of thing. In my own case, my wife's ex was not named on her daughter's BC and she just stated that he never did have any contact with her and did not and never had supported her in any way.
    Taken from the UK vacs website, required documentation for a spouse visa... it would appear there is no requirement to provide documentation regarding a previous marriage.

    'Annulment or divorce papers of applicant and sponsor if necessary. If not available evidence that legal proceedings have started for the divorce/annulment.'

    Taken from the UK Border office website, regarding a child joining his/her parent(s)....

    'one parent is living and settled in the UK or is applying for settlement at the same time as you, and has had sole responsibility for looking after you'


    'A child cannot normally go to live in the UK if one parent is living abroad, unless the parent in the UK has sole responsibility for the child, or if there are special reasons why the child should be allowed to join the parent in the UK'.

    Seems it all comes down to proving sole responsibility

  9. #9
    Respected Member sweet_cookie08's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    Hi Sweet Cookie,
    Actually I'n not sure you will need to give details of your marriage or submit that marriage certificate because you have annulment papers so your previous marrige is irrelevent now.

    As I said before, the real problem will be to do with his consent for you to take his/your child to the UK. I just don't know enough about Philippine law to be more precise about what may be required.

    Maybe Mod Pete or Joe might know something more about the legalities involved in this sort of thing. In my own case, my wife's ex was not named on her daughter's BC and she just stated that he never did have any contact with her and did not and never had supported her in any way.
    Hi Iain,

    i wont be taking my child with me yet. I will solely apply for my settlement visa. But the thing is the embassy is requiring to submit an NSO copy of birth certificate of applicant's children.

    the main thing that bothers me is the discapancies with the month of marriage date. Someone told me that the embassy is particular with the dates.. .. but the thing is me and my ex had an annulment and our marriage was declared null and void from the very beginning. Not sure of my daughter's BC should contain - "NOT MARRIED" instead of putting there the month of Nov (when we got married).

    dont know now, im confused. not sure if I should just take the risk of applying the settlement visa this week and just hope it wont be an issue with the embassy.

  10. #10
    Respected Member sweet_cookie08's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by benb View Post
    Hi Sweet Cookie,

    It might be better to get a new BC with the correct/consistent dates printed and if possible omit it.

    My wife had her Date of Birth (DoB) printed differently on her BC and Baptism certificate. Eventually, she got a new BC to make the printed DoB consistent among all her documents.

    If you don't wish to do that, then I agree with Iain and would also suggest to declare all discrepancies upfront. If its an issue with the ECO, they would *probably* ask you to explain the dates on the document.

    Ben B

    hi Ben,

    thanks for sharing your thoughts in my post.

    I think my case is not the same as your wife. My daughter's Name, Sex, date and place of birth are ALL correct. In Phil. BC, there is a portion where in you need to put the date and place of marriage of the parents so as the child could use the father's surname. And that portion is my problem.

    Should I put everything about this in my cover letter? that it was intentional and i didnt know? woudl the ECO accept that reasoning and the discrrepancy thing wont be an issue anymore? and actually we have no contact with him anymore or know where he is, we were abandoned when my child was only 1 year and 7months.

  11. #11
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    in my opinion sweetcookie its not really a big deal coz your marriage to him was that case leave it as it is.but if you are really unsettled why not involve a lawyer about your case!?
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  12. #12
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweet_cookie08 View Post
    hi Ben,

    thanks for sharing your thoughts in my post.

    I think my case is not the same as your wife. My daughter's Name, Sex, date and place of birth are ALL correct. In Phil. BC, there is a portion where in you need to put the date and place of marriage of the parents so as the child could use the father's surname. And that portion is my problem.

    Should I put everything about this in my cover letter? that it was intentional and i didnt know? woudl the ECO accept that reasoning and the discrrepancy thing wont be an issue anymore? and actually we have no contact with him anymore or know where he is, we were abandoned when my child was only 1 year and 7months.
    How many years ago was that, if you don't mind me asking? Just wondered because you may have been able to apply for a "Presumtive Death" statement for the purposes of remarriage, instead of going through the much longer and much more expensive annulment process.

    Anyway, at least you shouldn't have a problem when you do decide to bring your daughter to the UK, because you obviously have "Sole Responsibility" for her.

    At this stage I wouldn't start trying to get a new BC for her as I'm sure it would take quite a while to sort out. The best thing to do is to explain the discrepency in detail in a covering letter.


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    Wanted to give u little comfort on my reply my dear friend,just my opinion they wont totally put reject your spouse visa doc( it is spouse not fiancee ,more percentage of grant,meaning more of proven documents of genuine relationship cause you are already married here)second if they doubt on your documents,they gonna schedule you for interview...that is your chance to tell everything,be honest on your answer

    I am wishing you the best of everything for your spouse visa friend
    see u on Saturday

  14. #14
    Respected Member sweet_cookie08's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IainBusby View Post
    How many years ago was that, if you don't mind me asking? Just wondered because you may have been able to apply for a "Presumtive Death" statement for the purposes of remarriage, instead of going through the much longer and much more expensive annulment process.

    Anyway, at least you shouldn't have a problem when you do decide to bring your daughter to the UK, because you obviously have "Sole Responsibility" for her.

    At this stage I wouldn't start trying to get a new BC for her as I'm sure it would take quite a while to sort out. The best thing to do is to explain the discrepency in detail in a covering letter.


    unfortunately he is still alive and im already done with my annulment.

    I will enquire tomorrow at the civil registrar on what to do with it. For sure more expenses and I just do hope it wont take so long to process.

  15. #15
    Respected Member sweet_cookie08's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jedc143 View Post
    Wanted to give u little comfort on my reply my dear friend,just my opinion they wont totally put reject your spouse visa doc( it is spouse not fiancee ,more percentage of grant,meaning more of proven documents of genuine relationship cause you are already married here)second if they doubt on your documents,they gonna schedule you for interview...that is your chance to tell everything,be honest on your answer

    I am wishing you the best of everything for your spouse visa friend
    see u on Saturday
    hi sis jedc,

    thanks for your support. I will enquire to the civil registrar tomorrow. I hope this will be the last problem that my ex would give me

    Yes, im ready to pass my visa app this week actually but this worries me a lot that it could be an issue with the embassy, the discrepancy of date of marriage.

    Since i'll be applying for a spouse visa, if get refused, how long will it take me to re-apply?

    as if im crossing in the middle of an eye of a needle.

  16. #16
    Respected Member misscarie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweet_cookie08 View Post
    hi sis jedc,

    thanks for your support. I will enquire to the civil registrar tomorrow. I hope this will be the last problem that my ex would give me

    Yes, im ready to pass my visa app this week actually but this worries me a lot that it could be an issue with the embassy, the discrepancy of date of marriage.

    Since i'll be applying for a spouse visa, if get refused, how long will it take me to re-apply?

    as if im crossing in the middle of an eye of a needle.

    Hi Ate Maricar,

    Please think positive,that's wat i can share as wat ate juliet have said , if they schedule you for interview , be Honest and tell it all why it happened. Goodluck on ur application....See you on Saturday

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  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweet_cookie08 View Post
    hi sis jedc,
    Since i'll be applying for a spouse visa, if get refused, how long will it take me to re-apply?
    don't think negative

  18. #18
    Respected Member doonat's Avatar
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    i think its safer to have the documents corrected even if it takes months to process it. according to my lawyer even a simple digit or discrepancy is considered falsification of documents.

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