I reckon the only real way to make money in Britain is to get a mortgage on a property (even if it's just a one bedroom flat like me and Vimvie have..) in 20 years time it could be worth three times more than you payed for it. I've recently had the opportunity to buy a freehold garage and although I don't even need it, I borrowed a further £14,000 on my mortgage to buy it. I may rent it out but it's full of my old junk at the moment. So what I'm saying is, if you intend to live in this country for 20 or 25 years, buy a property! I can't believe that sometimes people get the opportunity to buy their council houses at a discounted price - and they turn the offer down!Buy! Buy! Buy! Not buying could mean you've thrown away the chance of ever making any money!! Renting a place means your throwing your money away, get a mortgage on a property and you'll be quids in the future!