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Thread: Where is the LOVE.....?

  1. #1
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    Where is the LOVE.....?

    Hi everyone,

    I am not directing this message to everyone who has a foreign husband or wife. This thread doesn't deal in general nor anybody in particular.

    First I just want to give my deepest apology that come from my heart to anyone who might got struck by some sensitive matters this thread would do.

    It is so annoying for me to see some message like "Filipina looking for British guy", "Pinay looking for a relationship", "Filipina wants a friend in UK". It was so disgusting, aren't you have enough friends in the Phill? Isn't a relationship build from a friendship? What's goin on with you people. I know our country in in a deep **** hole, but you don't need to sell yourself just to get out of there. And what?the easiest thing is to marry someone you haven't seen or someone you barely know. It's all because of the MONEY, CASH that will make your life easier but where is LOVE? Where is the months or years of courting getting to know each other. It was a shame that some people uses their body just to get what they want. Oh come on let's just be honest for ourself even just once. Why do you go online and look for husband (chatmate?you big LIAR) while you got a lot of suitors around you.....why? Because you don't want to be on the deep black hole of poverty, you want to get rich, you want to help your family, but where is the LOVE? Well, I guess Filipinas are getting into the wave of the 21st century. I do salute OFW fathers who works on the fields of Middles east torturing their body to the heat and hard work, to those seaman who seldom see the ground for months, to OFW mothers who works as DH, working so hard yet still maltreated and sometime killed. I really satute this people specially the Filipina mother who works hard just to give better future to their family. But some chooses the other way around. Uses their body, beautiful faces, flirting ability and charisma online that somehow a rich foreigner gets on their way and finally ask her to marry him. How easy to get rich right? It really annoys me to see Filipina walking and all over her foreign boyfriend or husband. Well you really need to hug him that much cause he might slip away then you find yourself going home. What annoys me more is that they don't even smile if they saw some of their fellow countrymen.What a bitch.

    But I am not referring this in general, I do have friends who get married to foreigners, they've been together abroad for a long time before settling down.First they became friends as they're working on the same company, they get along and living happily. That's what a good marriage should be building from years of friendship, deeper relationship and finally settling down to marriage now we can say there is a genuine LOVE there. You can't find LOVE online, on the chat room cause people tells 90% lies online.

    Again I have no againts racial couples if your marriage was built form years not months of true friendship, to courting, to a deeper realationship then I do beleive this is true LOVE and really devoted to each other, but if you've only knew the guy for months and barely knew him at all I guess your marriage is more on financial security reason and not LOVE. Come on that's 100% true but don't you worry foreign guys knows it all along. Foreign guys (specially the old ones) needs companions, caring, some bit of love maybe and you need finacial security...hhhhhmmm seems fair enough.

    This thread will means nothing to someone whom it will not apply for so don't be so defensive......cheers

  2. #2
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Hmmn! I suspect you will get a few replies to this posting you have made. I have some responses in mind but before I sit down to write them, would just enquire where you are coming from with this thread?

    This site is primarily targeted to those with an interest (direct or otherwise) in a Brit Phil relationship. It is an info site that facilitates the sharing of specific and useful information to that segmented group of individuals.

    With that in mind, can you please elucidate the specific and measurable objectives behind this thread?
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  3. #3
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
    Hmmn! I suspect you will get a few replies to this posting you have made. I have some responses in mind but before I sit down to write them, would just enquire where you are coming from with this thread?

    This site is primarily targeted to those with an interest (direct or otherwise) in a Brit Phil relationship. It is an info site that facilitates the sharing of specific and use information to that segmented group of individuals.

    With that in mind, can you please illucidate the specific and measurable objectives behind this thread?
    yes, you are right amigo

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    "Scouser looking for Manc slapper"
    "Old swingers in London looking for similar up North"
    "Welsh Lady looking for Irish lovin"

    You'll find just as many cross 'Ads' for any anyone, any sex, any place, any country, any sexual muppet....why are you just picking on one lot then? Racism!!! Jealousy!!! Uneducated!!

    What is a foreigner? Someone from England looking for someone in Wales? Would they then be heretics? Burn them

    We have a very big picture, and you are looking at it through a very small window
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    giants couples here in the forum are different the relationship as husband and wife are genuine.

  6. #6
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post

    We have a very big picture, and you are looking at it through a very small window
    I could not agree more!
    Be responsible with little so that you can be trusted with much!!

  7. #7
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    ok you hooked me, I met my wife in Hong Kong in 2003, we married in Dec 2005 and had our first child in 2008, where is the problem, she did not set out to marry a foriegner in fact I had a lot persuading/courting/convincng to do and one reason she even entertained the idea of being with a foriegner was her very unhappy experiences with lying, cheating and robbing Filipino men!! By the way she worked from the age of 19 in Singapore and Hong Kong and has her own money/property. We absolutely love each other and like others wonder what your motive for this thread is.

    We all know there are gold diggers out there but that is the same throughout the world, try a russian mail orderr bride site!!

    So why single out filipinas?
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  8. #8
    Respected Member winner's Avatar
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    when i meet my wife for the first time on the internet she was looking for love neve ask me for anythnk all she said be ture and honest and that was over 4 years ago and now we are married and have beautiful baby girl thats love not money and wanting a better life does not matter were you live tent or house rich or poor love will see you through i know what your saying people just knowing each other for only afew weeks and getting married but thats life and a gamble

  9. #9
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    Where do you get the idea that Filipinos do not have that culture, "marrying up" or social climbing exists in all societies and if you went to subic anytime in th last 40 years there were plenty of filipinas marrying up!. Are you saying that it is okay if a young filipina marries a well to do filipino man that is ok but not if he happens to be a foriegner? I have done business with Senior Filipino Execs at PLDT, PAL, Fortune Tobacco and SM and nearly all of them are messing around their often younger wifes so maybe the filipina is right to look abroad after all
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  10. #10
    Respected Member PeterB's Avatar
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    Ruby was attempting to contact her sister, who was in Dubai (having been conned by a filipino), when I came along and invited her to chat with me. Despite cultural and age differences, I can say that we truly do have a marriage based on love.

    However, I do have to agree with you - there seem to be many filipinas seeking to find relationships online and who will latch onto the first foreign male who shows a serious interest, no matter how unlikely the match may seem. When I have advised filipinas to give up on a relationship, the usual response is: "But I really do love him". I fail to see how anyone can be so committed to another person before they have actually met in person.

    In my case, I was pretty certain that Ruby and I had a good basis for a relationship, but neither of us was prepared to make a commitment before my first visit.

    Oh, I might also mention that Ruby had been tricked by a Filipino (school mate) before we first met online.

  11. #11
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by giants View Post
    Here we go.....

    Again can't you read people as I've this thread is not intended to all interracial couple I am referring to some Filipinas who seek foreign marriage not based on LOVE but financial security.......I am just bursting out my opinion.....stop the childish attitude grow up and let's talk.

    Racism? Jeolousy? Uneducated? Kidly read again will you, you're missing something I guess
    Giants, I welcome open and constructive debate. You expressed your opinion and I believe both Keith and I expressed our own also. Your resultant categorisation of these alternative opinions is, at best rather insulting and totally uneccessary.

    Quote Originally Posted by giants View Post
    That's why as I've said Filipinas are tuning in the wave of the 21st century, you yourself had already compared yourself to other western women...see what I mean
    I have no idea what you are trying to illustrate here. Can you explain? Please note that I am male and any suggestion otherwise is born out of mischievous gossip.

    Quote Originally Posted by giants View Post
    OK just for the sake of's the question then...


    The obvious answer to that is surely "it depends". Any other expectation or assumption would indicate bias, a lack of objectivity and narrowmindedness. You are attempting to leave no scope for the individuals involved in a relationship. Whether it's a filipina with a Pakistani, British or Ossie partner, their individual contexts would have to be evaluated to make any form of interpretation.

    What is your objective with this thread?

    Quote Originally Posted by scott&ligaya View Post
    We absolutely love each other and like others wonder what your motive for this thread is.

    ...So why single out filipinas?

    Quote Originally Posted by winner View Post
    when i meet my wife for the first time on the internet she was looking for love neve ask me for anythnk all she said be ture and honest and that was over 4 years ago and now we are married and have beautiful baby girl thats love not money and wanting a better life does not matter were you live tent or house rich or poor love will see you through

    Are trying to celebrate women who determine to seek out financially challenged husbands and who also seek to lower their personal circumstances? Noone does that. That would be irresponsible.

    Surely, any woman would want to marry someone they loved and who could provide for them and their family. This would occur whether the parties in question were both British, Nigerian, Mexican, or whatever.

    If a 20 year old woman determined that she wanted to marry a wealthy 85 year old millionaire, that is their choice. It has nothing to do with anyone else. Clearly, you have your views but if you are attempting to judge others, I would suggest to you that is not a constructive thing to do.

    That's just my view of course!
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  12. #12
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    well said amigo

  13. #13
    Respected Member misscarie's Avatar
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    they come online to find theyre Love there it is not a problem to have a short term relationship to ur bf/gf/ now husband/wife. And who cares if we found a foreign partner,we choose for ourself but who give us to them? I met my hubby online and we spent years chatting , emailing ,texting , calling each other. By then ,we used to get to know each other by using this computer.It is better than penpal eh? i mean sending love letter through fedex,LBC,Fax n Parcel that cost too much than chatting ... atleast we have a webcam to see who we chatting to and not guessing if ur chatmates is a transexual or wat...i know to myself that i have a true and genuine relationship with my hubby even tho i met him online.I fully love him that Money Can't Buy.

    "You don't have to be a certain age to fall in love;
    although you've maybe been told you're to young.
    For those who tell you that,
    that don't know what is.

  14. #14
    Respected Member misscarie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Piamed;

    Are trying to celebrate women who determine to seek out financially challenged husbands and who also seek to lower their personal circumstances? Noone does that. That would be irresponsible.

    Surely, any woman would want to marry someone they loved and who could provide for them and their family. This would occur whether the parties in question were both British, Nigerian, Mexican, or whatever.

    If a 20 year old woman determined that she wanted to marry a wealthy 85 year old millionaire, that is their choice. It has nothing to do with anyone else. Clearly, you have your views but if you are attempting to judge others, I would suggest to you that is not a constructive thing to do.

    May Tama Ka!

    so kuya toks , how was ur dinner

    "You don't have to be a certain age to fall in love;
    although you've maybe been told you're to young.
    For those who tell you that,
    that don't know what is.

  15. #15
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PeterB View Post
    I fail to see how anyone can be so committed to another person before they have actually met in person.
    I know where you are coming from there Peter but I have heard similar statements such as I don't understand how:
    someone can love a much older partner
    someone could go out with a black guy
    someone could mary a non-filipino guy
    some could marry a filipina
    someone could meet someone online

    Many things we don't understand are really quite clear to others. Love can make many things crystal clear to the extent that the conventional expectations/wisdoms of an individual become obsolete.
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  16. #16
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by misscarie View Post
    May Tama Ka!

    so kuya toks , how was ur dinner
    Masarap salamat amiga ko! Very tasty thanks my friend.

    Only had Weetabix, with Shredded Wheat, and Rice Krispies...hehehe. Breakfast really!
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  17. #17
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    Giants, if it not a personal question, what is your status, are you in a fil/foreign relationship? have you had a bad experience in such a relationship?, are you a filipino guy who thinks he is competing on an uneven payaing field? again what are you motives for this thread? I have witnessed large age gap and mixed culture marriages/relationships, some work some do not just like any other marriages so what's your point?
    Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy

    if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!

  18. #18
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Plonker. The last thing people usualy do on here is tell me how to run MY forum.
    Keith - Administrator

  19. #19
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    I wondered how long it would take Giants to get him/herself banned. Apparently only as long as it took me to get home from work! :-)

  20. #20
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    well Dave, Giant is banned already..

  21. #21
    andypaul's Avatar
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    God forbid somebody wants a multicultral relationship or do something different.

    Im sure the first OFW were accused of deserting the country.

    Well done for showing your true colours mr or mrs bigot.

  22. #22
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    lets face it...nothing is really wrong on what giants trying to say it here, were not affected anyway as we all know in ourselves that we are doing and following what our heart says for...I myself have some points of view with some of other women but to the fact that its not only filipina who do things such many in particular...Its no good either to used word such as FILIPINA alone. I would surely against it so....

    I met my husband online few years back, almost 3yrs of relationship before deciding to get married as we both need to be sure in whatever involves..We just got married and I finally ended up pregnant after a long what if we met online? so what if i chose him to stay and be with him for the rest of my life....? Nothing is wrong on that in fact we're happy...Everybody is...And so glad that we are all happy in whatever decission we made....whatever lies on....we don't really care.................In whatever by means through chat or what.....................its none of your damn business.....At least at the end we're proud of what success we made, for having a successfull marriage is what count most, and for having a pretty/handsome fil/brit kiddies nothing can bet our happiness..... well................sorry WE GOT IT ALL..... right guys?

  23. #23
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marylen View Post
    ...nothing is really wrong on what giants trying to say it here......
    I have deleted all his other posts by the way
    Keith - Administrator

  24. #24
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    You're just concentrating on those couples wherein she is poor, younger and less educated. He is richer, is old and has higher educational attainment. Why did you say filipinas marry for money? I'm pretty sure you haven't heard or met filipinas who married foreign nationals wherein she has properties, has an education, and business back home? She has a 5 bedroom house (Each bedroom has its own toilet and bath), has cars, driver and housemaids? The only difference is He is living in a rich country and so he is more priveleged. Have you ever thought of the changes in the life of a filipina when she stays abroad? She does all the household chores and away from her family and friends.... it's because of true and genuine love for her husband that makes all things possible for her. It is because Philippines belongs to the 3rd world country and so then you thought that every filipina has that kind of thinking as well..... MARRY FOR MONEY
    " The people who mean something to your life are not rated "the best" don't have the most money, haven't won the greatest prizes....
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  25. #25
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I'd marry Elton John for money
    Keith - Administrator

  26. #26
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    huh giants your banned im wond'ring how small you are now,lonely man.

  27. #27
    Respected Member Geraldine's Avatar
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    Its true, there are some women (not only Pinays mind you) who are only after the money however there are alot who are in a genuine relationship.

    I do patronize the OFWs for their hardwork and sacrifices, and so does the women here who work hard as well to send money to their families back home.

  28. #28
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    first are you jealous?wats going on with ur head...yes,we have ambition in life but its not mean were using the foriegner its diffinitely married to my hubby when i was 19 i know im very young that time but,im thinking about my future(im sure nothing wrong to have an ambition in life) its not all about money,i love my husband his my everthing and my my kids..we, i sacrificed enough living my family back home and thats the saddest thing happen to me..the main thing is me and my children are happy happy here...loser have u had ur dinner yet?sounds like ur not eating....heheee

  29. #29
    Respected Member misscarie's Avatar
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    hi ash...calm down lol ... as long as we're happy to our love one's eh thats the most important thing i havent sleep yet :( but i eaten

    "You don't have to be a certain age to fall in love;
    although you've maybe been told you're to young.
    For those who tell you that,
    that don't know what is.

  30. #30
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by misscarie View Post
    hi ash...calm down lol ... as long as we're happy to our love one's eh thats the most important thing i havent sleep yet :( but i eaten
    Hehe! What did you eat amiga? I pray that you have a really restful night now that your wait is over. Just try to relax and enjoy your time with the family. God bless you.
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