The first thing to do is not flap ! flapping gets your blood pressure up, and secondly, 70 per cent of the things you think are going to happen rarely happen at all, this is always a nail biting time for sponsors.
You should find it normal that your girl has been called forward for interview, after all I can remember a time, when every applicant had to go for interview, this process of sending visa's in by courier without even interviewing the applicant was a new one on me, and kind of out of character with the British Embassy.
And of course the other thing to remember, is that no 2 cases are alike and there certainly isnt such a thing as straight forward, taking more chat logs and phone bills will not make much difference to your girls application.
Provided you have supplied the required evidence of relationship, have complied with the 1 visit rule, and that you can show clearly that you can support your girl for up to 2 years without recourse to public funds, and provided you have suitable accomodation for your girl to live in, in theory there is no reason why a visa should not be granted, in practice there are many other factors that come into play, such as your girl's performance at the interview.
Provided your girl refrains from sticking to one word answers such as yes and no, and provided she gives a good accounting of your wedding arrangements and where your marriage will take place, the timings etc, and demonstrates a good knowledge of your relationship, I see no reasons why she would not be granted a visa.
As for swapping phone numbers, whilst I used to do this with many members on this site for the last 3 years, I have to say I have stopped doing it, nothing personal Philip, its a stance I have taken following many such requests in the past.
I have always been happy to give advice at this forum, but not answer e mails anymore nor go on yahoo, or take phone calls, the last guy to have my number, used to call me at all hours of the night, and daytime when he had a whim to discuss, I am sure you can appreciate that.
Best of luck with your girls visa, and try and relax a little, you will know soon enough.
Best regards