A guy works in a D.I.Y. store and he falls down a big hole which rips both his ears off!But the D.I.Y. store compensate him and give him lots of money!
He takes the money and decides to run his own restaurant business..
Because it's a new restaurant he has to hire a chef!
He interviews three people. The first guy to be interviewed says "ha ha ha you've no blinking ears!!!"
So he says "Your a rude man get out of my office!!" The second man comes in and says "ha ha ha you've no blinking ears!!!"
So he says "Get out of my office your a very rude man!!" The third man is a very wise, polite and intelligent Chinese man, he clearly knows everything about cooking and they both get on very well, impressed he says "Your hired!! I'm going to employ you!!"
"Oh, but before you go, may I ask, have you noticed anything unusual about me?" The Chinese man says "Yes, I've noticed you wear contact lenses!!"
The man says "Goodness me that's an amazing observation you have made!! How did you know???"
The Chinese man says "Well you can't wear glasses when you've no blinking ears!"