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Thread: spouse,fiancee or tourist visa to norway...what to choose?

  1. #1
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    Smile spouse,fiancee or tourist visa to norway...what to choose?

    hello everybody,

    I had applied for tourist visa in norway to visit my norwegian boyfriend last February and luckily it was approved. I stayed there from April to July. Now I am back here in Philippines. My boyfriend asked me to marry him before I left Norway so now we are contemplating on what type of visa should I get. Right now im preparing for my licensure exam in november. And my fiancee is planning to visit me this december. here's the list of the visa processing time from embassy.

    fiancee visa= 6 to 12 months
    spouse visa = 3-4 months
    tourist visa = 21 days

    obviously, I can only go back to Norway in December after my exam in november. we are just so confused on what type of visa is most convenient for both of us. My fiancee wants us to be go back to norway together by december as much as possible so I wont end up travelling alone.

    this is the scenario if I will apply for:


    1. I can start to apply now ( probably august since I have to prepare all the requirements first)
    2. if approved, I would have to get it by august( maximum) next year. which in this case is a long wait for both of us.


    1. I cannot start applying for it since my fiancee needs to be here for us to get married here. So if we will get married in december, I will have to get my visa by utmost april or May.


    1. it only took me 2 weeks to get it last time. so if I will apply by november then we will surely travel back to norway together on december.

    2. I can go to norway as tourist and we will get married there and I can just apply for resident visa from there without going back to the philippines. we are not sure about this, but based on one forum here which I was able to read, she also has a tourist visa but they are married already in the philippines before she went to norway. and she applied for resident visa in norway. I am just confused if we can also do this, but this time we will just get married in Norway and not here in the Philippines. Does anyone did the same thing?

    I just wish somebody could help us in our problem. We just want to be together soon again so we are trying to figure out whats the best thing to do.

    I really would like to thank everybody who would take time to give us some enlightenment.

    Thanks and more power!

  2. #2
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    I would strongly advise you to get the required information from the Norvegian Embassy...

    So that there will be no mistakes....

    Welcome aboard.

  3. #3
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hirokf View Post
    I had applied for tourist visa in norway to visit my norwegian boyfriend last February and luckily it was approved. I stayed there from April to July. Now I am back here in Philippines. My boyfriend asked me to marry him before I left Norway so now we are contemplating on what type of visa should I get. Right now im preparing for my licensure exam in november. And my fiancee is planning to visit me this december. here's the list of the visa processing time from embassy.
    We will try to help you.
    There is another Filipina married to a Norwegian here. She didn't went back for a while, but here is her story. It should be helpful for you:
    Read here:

    As these infos come from en of 2006, it may be useful to update them. Your Fiancé can inquire his administration.
    Best regards.

  4. #4
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    Best is to look in UDI (Norwegian Directorate of Immigration) web site, it's also in English so you should not have difficulty to read it:
    Here is the link (in English):

    You should find most of the informations you need.

    As far as I know if you plan to come with a Tourist visa and marry in Norway, you will not be able to adjust your status there (not allowed) and you will have to go back to the Philippines before the end of your tourist visa and apply for a spouse visa from there.

    On other way, if already married in the Philippines and travelling later with a Tourist visa, it seems possible to request a residency permit during the stay (as did Mrstarb). From this it's nearly working as in France: once you request the residency, your tourist visa is cancelled (no more to deal with Embassy) and the Norwegian local Administration gives you a temporary residence permit which allow your to work.

    So the quickest way seems to marry first in the Philippines and try the tourist visa. If it do not work, then try the Spouse visa.
    Best regards.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by A_flyer View Post

    On other way, if already married in the Philippines and travelling later with a Tourist visa, it seems possible to request a residency permit during the stay (as did Mrstarb). From this it's nearly working as in France: once you request the residency, your tourist visa is cancelled (no more to deal with Embassy) and the Norwegian local Administration gives you a temporary residence permit which allow your to work.

    So the quickest way seems to marry first in the Philippines and try the tourist visa. If it do not work, then try the Spouse visa.

    hello, thanks for the information. So far my fiancee called UDI in noway and they told him that it is not possible for me to apply for resident visa while on tourist visa. But I am just confused as to what mrstarb had posted here that UDI in Norway allowed her to apply for resident visa there. It is just sad that she did not make any updates about it :(

    to mr moderator "aromulus", if any way you can, please try and PM mrstarb for me please. I just wanted to know what happened to her so I can at least move on and plan what is best for me too.

    Thanks a lot for all your help!

    I promise I would keep you guys updated always so I can also be of help to someone who have the same case as mine.

    more power!

  6. #6
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    Unfortunately Mrstarb hasn't left an email address on record.

    This is the link to all of her posts.
    I will try to google a few things for you.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    [SIZE=4]Unfortunately Mrstarb hasn't left an email address on record.
    awww sad to hear that

    thank you so much for trying to help me though , really appreciate it a lot.

  8. #8
    Member gracia_006's Avatar
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    About your querry, this is just as far as i know.... I knew someone who is in a fiancee visa to Norway and she dont have plans anymore to go back here in the Philippines because they will going to marry in Norway. And they are going to apply from there resident permit for her to stay in Norway permamently.

    As for me, we get married here and apply for an entry visa ( spouse visa) and il will have a 7days visa of which within that 7 days of my stay in Norway i need to report/go the police (UDI) and apply for a resident permit.

    I guess the best way for you since you dont want to get married here in the philippines is to apply for a fiancee visa and the get married in Norway. Try to read this link:

    You can call or email the embassy if you are still confused about this.

    I hope i have help you in my own little way... Good luck and God bless!

    " Life is too short to be anything but happy."

  9. #9
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    Thanks for your help,

    But all I want to figure out is if it is possible for me to just apply tourist visa and apply for a resident visa in norway just like what mrstarb did. Its just that tourist visa is the fastest and easiest way for me to process, the requirements are not too bad and wont take me that long to prepare. but the fiancee visa or spouse visa's requirements are kinda hard to prepare and would take time a lof of my time and I can not afford to do that as of now since I have my review class. I know I sound so desperate here but oh well, sometimes you just have try all means before giving up

  10. #10
    Member gracia_006's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    I would strongly advise you to get the required information from the Norvegian Embassy...

    So that there will be no mistakes....

    Welcome aboard.

    I guess sir aromulus is CORRECT!

    " Life is too short to be anything but happy."

  11. #11
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    I asked my fiancee to call UDI again, and they said I can not apply for resident visa while on tourist even if we are married already. so I guess, I give up now hehe.

    FIANCEE visa that is

    thanks guys for all your help

  12. #12
    Newbie (Restricted Access) darkfroy's Avatar
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    hi... if darkfroy... we have same problems... i also applyin my fiancee visa in norway, and i pass it 2 weeks from now.. still on process

  13. #13
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darkfroy View Post
    hi... if darkfroy... we have same problems... i also applyin my fiancee visa in norway, and i pass it 2 weeks from now.. still on process
    There is always hope...

    Anyway better not to arrive there for you in the middle of winter season.... the shock with the weather will be too much!
    Best regards.

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