I have my fiance from Scotland, We've meet in a dating website last october 2004,and that started for us to have contact to each other.Hes first visit was Last february 2005,the second time we met last April 2006 and we got engaged. He was back for long for some reasons,but we are contacting each other veryday by text and call,we only do chatting on net once in a week coz of his job. Right now we are already starting to process my papers for fiancee visa which we take took care it all to our lawyer who do immigration(its a big help) you can find at their website www.rlegal.com) My fiance just done submitting all of the requirements they needed last week, and i dont have any idea how long it would gonna take to process to manila...do u have any idea?
I got the information from peter that there is no need for medical as what the US Embassy does which is very nice to hear as i would just come for interview its more less for me as im a bit far from manila(mindanao island)..
We have all the evindences,letters,emails,chatlogs,cards that i have used for load,tickets stubs for both of us wen were having our vacation together in Hk,Boracay,Manila...,loads of photos(first met,2nd met(including engagement party,vacations)..his going to see me this coming October 2006 again, and i hope i would have my interview before that.how much is the visa fee now?.I am still studying at school for the meantime but i am ready to stop once they give me my visa.
I would like to hear from you guys bout this matter, what would be the best thing we have to do...i hope i wont get denied as it would be the saddest moment for both of us!