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Thread: Over heating CPU?

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  1. #1
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    I should think it just needs a good clean,go to Maplins or another store like it and buy a can of compressed gas,cost about £8 and blow the heatsink clean and the power unit.Use a small plastic cable tie to poke into the fins of the heatsink and blow with the gas,you will find this will make a great difference.

  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnijon View Post
    I should think it just needs a good clean,go to Maplins or another store like it and buy a can of compressed gas,cost about £8 and blow the heatsink clean and the power unit.Use a small plastic cable tie to poke into the fins of the heatsink and blow with the gas,you will find this will make a great difference.

    Although a puffer brush is cheaper than a compressed gas and safer as sometimes cooled gas drops down as liquid if the can not upright. The liquid if not allowed to evaropate away could become a conductor so be careful of shorting out components.

    Also make sure you dont blow the dust and what not in to other nooks and cranies on the board.

    Make sure you put a screw driver, pen (small sheep if its rob) in between the fan blades to stop them being rotated either the wrong way or to fast) cream crackers the fan.

    Anti static precations and if you use a vac dont let it get near the compoents as vacs are great sources of static

  3. #3
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    First thing (if not done before) is to clean the computer case, heaters and fans (without forgetting the power supply) with compressed air (either in can, or with a compressor for spray painting, or at a car repair shop) [my English may not be accurate... , but I guess you will understand]
    Nota: to be done outdoors or you will see an angry wife giving you the vacuum cleaner...
    2nd nota: this have to be done very year for the sake of the computer parts... (I know few people are doing it, but if you do your will have less failure and a computer OK for several years).

    If you want to change the CPU heater and fan, you can look at e-Bay for Akasa, Arctic Cooling or Zallman (not an exhaustive list of good brands).
    I saw 2 Akasa models in UK there (look for "akasa athlon").

    PS: may be some wool from the sheeps clogging the heater...
    Best regards.

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