Quote Originally Posted by Legaspi View Post
As many people as possible should complain to the Council about this disgraceful decision

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Also raise a complaint with the local government ombudsman

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Write to the MP, Local Councillors etc this link gives their details and makes it easy to contact them

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Will you also be asking serious questions of the organisers?

I think they are in need of a few letters making them realise how many people they have really annoyed and put out of pocket.

Whatever people say i still cant belive how unprofessionaly run a two day event with attendance of 60 thousand people attending in fact it should be far more as so few local people actually go!!

With all the problems both the nursing caring and general workers on visa from non eu countries which is a massive section of the Pinoy community have had over the last few years.
So little is done to promoted this event and other like it to non pinoys with no phill connection.

If more people from the local community had gone then surely the council tax payers who fund the hounslow councill would be more up in arms?

Just a thought