Quote Originally Posted by Gavanddal View Post
It is disgraceful the Council doing this so close to the date. I'm sure they have had plenty of time to do risk assessments. I wonder what their grounds are for revoking the licence? Will they make a statement? Maybe they think it's got too big, if so they should say so.
We went to the Hounslow festival once but actually preferred the Milton Keynes festival because access was better, lots of parking and it's got a good "amphitheatre".
i think it will come out all in the wash who is to blame.

If the police or fire brigade object the council cant grant the licence wheter they want to or not if they did could you imagine all the complaints if there was a issue however unlikely?

A quote here says


The council says lack of traffic planning was the main reason council officers, firefighters and police told organisers The Philippine Centre that the party in Lampton Park could not go ahead on Saturday and Sunday.

The biggest problem i can think is that hounslow and heathrow are so close it causes problems with the roads (in previous years there has been near gridlock even worse than usual)
In previous years roads have been closed, bus routes rediverted remeber this is london where there are far more bus services than in many other parts of the UK.

It also ties up the pic line which is a major route in and out of Heathrow during sumer Holiday season. The tube trains and small comuter stations are packed to breaking point as i have witnessed in previous years. Also the western international market is moving or has moved which a lot of locals and people from around london go to prehaps they felt the roads simply couldn't cope?

This part of west london is busy all week round sundays seem hardly quieter than a work day due to the 24-7 situation with heathrow and businesses in the area unlike many other parts of the country. In fact you will get the shift rush hours on any day apart from christmas day.

Was the earlier mini barrio on the same site something to do with all this as the organiser of that seems to have strong views on the matter?

Like you say milton Keynes is a far better location for a event like this.