Quote Originally Posted by Gavanddal View Post
It is disgraceful the Council doing this so close to the date. I'm sure they have had plenty of time to do risk assessments. I wonder what their grounds are for revoking the licence? Will they make a statement? Maybe they think it's got too big, if so they should say so.
We went to the Hounslow festival once but actually preferred the Milton Keynes festival because access was better, lots of parking and it's got a good "amphitheatre".
I think this is typical of councils accross the country.
I was trading, at a local animal sanctuaries funday, in a council run park, a few weeks ago. Just before the show, my Public Liability Insurance, ran out. I agreed with the organisers, that I would show them my Insurance, on the day, as I had since just renewed it.

I had a phone call, 2 days before the show, by a very panicked organiser, saying that the council wouldn't grant them a licence, because some eagle eye, had spotted my Insurance wasn't in place. Luckily, I was able to fax them a copy & all was okay.

They scrutinise everything & if something is not to their standard, they are quick to pull the plug.