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Thread: immigrants exploit loophole to get married

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    immigrants exploit loophole to get married

    i've read somewhere that this loophole will be closed soon, as the gov will not allow illegal immigrants to marry in the uk, well time will tell

    you got to laugh thou

    'The diocese of Southwark, which covers Greater London south of the Thames, has seen the number of applications for common licences rise from 90 in 2004 to 493 last year'.

    'Government figures that show the number of suspected sham marriages has fallen from 3,500 in 2004 to as few as 400 last year following the introduction of strict controls on those being wed in a register office.

    These regulations, which require people not legally settled in the UK to seek special permission to marry, were ruled as unlawful by the Law Lords ruled last month, but a Home Office spokesman said that they would continue to operate the current scheme to investigate individual applications.

    who is running this country , an elected gov or unelected judges , gov told what to do by a court again. time to tell the courts to , brown is as weak as mr bean , will they ever win a court judgement

    and where were these judges, when the gov pushed up visa prices , or when the 'life in uk' test was brought in ? , what about your right as a british citizen to bring your wife and family to uk, without playing the lottery game, they must have been having a afternoon nap

  2. #2
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i've read somewhere that this loophole will be closed soon, as the gov will not allow illegal immigrants to marry in the uk, well time will tell

    you got to laugh thou

    'The diocese of Southwark, which covers Greater London south of the Thames, has seen the number of applications for common licences rise from 90 in 2004 to 493 last year'.

    'Government figures that show the number of suspected sham marriages has fallen from 3,500 in 2004 to as few as 400 last year following the introduction of strict controls on those being wed in a register office.

    These regulations, which require people not legally settled in the UK to seek special permission to marry, were ruled as unlawful by the Law Lords ruled last month, but a Home Office spokesman said that they would continue to operate the current scheme to investigate individual applications.

    who is running this country , an elected gov or unelected judges , gov told what to do by a court again. time to tell the courts to , brown is as weak as mr bean , will they ever win a court judgement

    and where were these judges, when the gov pushed up visa prices , or when the 'life in uk' test was brought in ? , what about your right as a british citizen to bring your wife and family to uk, without playing the lottery game, they must have been having a afternoon nap
    The judges only get involved when WE challenge an existing or new law they are our theoretical protectors of unjust government practice and case law is always changing ,

    On the visa costs what is required is to take the issue to europe and challenge it or just keep writing the cheques

    It makes me laugh to that it was after all Henry Tudor who invented the Church of England so he could get an annulment and marry his mistress

  3. #3
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    The judges only get involved when WE challenge an existing or new law they are our theoretical protectors of unjust government practice and case law is always changing ,

    On the visa costs what is required is to take the issue to europe and challenge it or just keep writing the cheques

    It makes me laugh to that it was after all Henry Tudor who invented the Church of England so he could get an annulment and marry his mistress
    Eactly the judges there to protect us from the goverment and ask questions like who is this Gazza fellow?

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    well i don't think brown can make a bigger gaff than when he said 'british jobs for british workers' - Opponents have described it as meaningless, illegal under EU law, even racist.

    has bush managed to beat that one

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Eactly the judges there to protect us from the goverment and ask questions like who is this Gazza fellow?
    well the judges haven't done a good job protecting my wallet from the gov, i've had to pay over £3,000 for visa's upto now, and the europeans have to pay

  6. #6
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    well the judges haven't done a good job protecting my wallet from the gov, i've had to pay over £3,000 for visa's upto now, and the europeans have to pay
    You have to bring a case Joe first through UK courts and when thats exausted through European

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