Quote Originally Posted by deepred
UK brings bad news to Pinoy nurses
The United Kingdom enforced stricter measures in hiring foreign nurses, including Filipinos, due to budget constraints and deficits incurred by the country's health service, ABS-CBN Europe News Bureau reported Thursday.
abs-cbnNEWS.com (7/13/2006 10:10:35 PM) PRC confirms leakage in nursing exam
The Professional Regulation Commission confirmed Thursday that test questions in the nursing board examination last month have been leaked, ABS-CBN News learned.
abs-cbnNEWS.com (7/13/2006 7:01:04 PM)
for me who is contemplating shifting career and take up Nursing. On the other hand, i think its challenging.

Despite this news, thousands are still studying nursing. Britain is not the only country where nurses can go. At the moment US is one of the country where nurses are going as they are still needed with great offers too. Where can you find a job offer where you can bring along your whole family with free housing and as immigrant???

I've known people who at their 50's still took up nursing...imagine????