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Thread: Marrage ,looking for young Wife

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  1. #1
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    My name is charlie and I been useing free web sights to find the right girl.
    I have a question applation I send to all that right to me and most of them get the questions right, but as soon as I start getting to know them and start having feelings for them, thay ALL WAY ASK FOR MONEY or say to me, I want to come to you in the states.
    I can't seem to find the right ones.
    I have now in my mail box, I say about 75 e-mails on girls that want to marry me and I say about 95% of them are [attachmentid=20]only after money.
    I am going to the Plilippines in 2006 and I need to find a loving and careing wife and one that follow thw Old Philippino ways and she obay her man.
    I want to open a Suri/Suri store to so we will have an income.
    I will give up my US Citezenship once I get there and get marred.[attachmentid=20]
    I do not have any family left here and I am all alone.
    5 years agoi I did live in a city called DAVAO and I lived there for a year and I Love it there in the Philippines.
    I am looking for some one that is between 17 to 23 and that has never been tuched by any man so I know that she is good body and Heart and Sole.
    If any one can help me to find that girl I am looking for to spend my life with, I will need photos and where she lives and any other infomation on her and thay can send me e-mail to
    I am a loving and careing man of 50 years old and I know that I will not much time left in this world and I want to be happey untill the day I die.

  2. #2
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    Originally posted by darkmanta1@Nov 22 2005, 11:12 PM
    and most of them get the questions right, but as soon as I start getting to know them and start having feelings for them, thay ALL WAY ASK FOR MONEY
    I wrote a bunch of letters to a cheapie contact magazine from the Philippines, just for a laugh. I had 20 replies, and all but three asked for money in their first letter. Of those three two asked for money in the second letter, but the third and final one managed to wait until the fourth letter before asking me to help her financially. It is, sadly, a very good introduction to why so many Filipinas actually want to meet foreign men: because they generally have loads of money. (Compared to the average trike driver, for instance)

    No two ways about it Charlie, you have a great struggle ahead of you finding a sweet young Filipina virgin who wants to marry a 50 year old man from America who actually wants to live in the PI and renounce his US citizenship, and live off the earnings of a Sari Sari store :(

  3. #3
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    You lived in DAVAO for a year? :o I spent two weeks there and couldn;t get out quick enough!!

    Apart from my site , wherer we've had a few weddings already, and a good number of relationships, I'd recommend searching out Filipinos in chat rooms, and then just talking in that room, to see what their personality is.

    These folk are generally note looking directly for a white boy You make a list of those you like, and just go into a room they are in. Sometimes you'll click without knowing, as you'll just be having a public laugh with them.

    That's how I met the missus, and I know a few others have. Don't make it obvious your looking.

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  4. #4
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Charlie, I read your post this morning !, geeeeze you wont find that 17-23 year old that you are seeking with the attitudes to Philippine women that you have, you are of course assuming that all Filipina's are desperate to leave the Philippines for the thought of a better life, and that they will marry a man just because of that, firstly, you would be wrong to think that.

    My name is charlie and I been useing free web sights to find the right girl.

    Free web sites are pointless if you wish to find a genuine Filipina for love and marriage who is Mahinhin (chaste, with good values and family orientated) you need to perhaps try some of the membership ones, such as htttp:// or, or Friendster, some of us met online, others met in the Middle East, some meet in the Philippines itself, the best way for you to find a nice lady, is to approach a local official in the town you travel to, or a Doctor, Judge, local politician, and inform them, that you are in the country looking for a wife, they will be quite pleased to introduce you to ladies they know, who will be of good upbringing, "There is no disgrace or embarassment in telling them that, in fact its quite ok to do that, my advice is to go to my web page on Filipina courtship secrets, at and have a look at my advice on how to court a Filipina long distance, then using the processes I recommend you will filter out very quickly, those few Filipinas who are not genuinly looking for a life time partner.

    am going to the Plilippines in 2006 and I need to find a loving and careing wife and one that follow thw Old Philippino ways and she obay her man.
    You see Charlie, that is where you are misguided, you might get the odd one or two in the provinces who will as you say obey you !, but most Filipina's who come from the Cities and suburban areas, are Cosmo Filipina's they are not going to be interested in a guy who simply wants a submissive slave for a wife, you need to clean up that part of your requirements, or you will simply turn them off, any who are interested, will simply dump you the minute they arrive in the U.S.A. remember there are hundreds of thousands of Filipinos in the USA who they can network with, if they marry you, and you start wanting her to do your bidding, without them seeing you can be a nice guy and be a gentleman, they will use you, and then dissappear.

    want to open a Suri/Suri store to so we will have an income.
    I dont think you will impress them with telling them you are coming to open a Sari Sari, and lived off that, they can find men who are not offering that, most of the men they will chat to, are offering them better life chances, in their home country, that will be a big turn off, I would drop that one if I were you.

    am looking for some one that is between 17 to 23 and that has never been tuched by any man so I know that she is good body and Heart and Sole.
    Charlie, you have to be realistic, it sounds to me like you are looking for a mail order bride, if thats your cup of tea, then good luck to you, however, I must tell you, that if you comteplate finding a young Filipina at the age of 17, you could be arrested in the Philippines under child prostitution laws, of which the setence is death, although often commuted to life imprisonment by appeal, my suggestion to you, is that you refrain from requiring a lady close to that age, 18 is at least the minimum, and most Filipinas who are interested in Marriage, are generally older, say from 25 to 35, more towards 30 and above, as for looking for a virgin that has not been touched by a man, well I would say this, if the lady tells you she is a virgin, this may not be true anyway, whats important to you, a lady who will keep you happy and be faithful ? or one who has to be a virgin, and you keep looking forever, you might get lucky and find one, if you do, let me know will you ! so you will be asking every lady you talk to online, if she is a virgin ??? this would be Bastos in Filipino, Bastos being your are rude !!, to ask a young lady if she is a virgin, is considered Bastos, it is innapropriate to ask that.

    My only advice would be this, everything you say indicates you are looking for a mail order bride service, if this is the case, you will end up with lots of heartache and be out of pocket lots of money, the only way to find someone, is to do it the way you would do it in y our own country, get to know a lady first, and then decide if their is a mutual attraction, best of luck, there are never any guarantees.

  5. #5
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    I'm getting Pete 'Always look on the bright side of life......' CD for Xmas :lol:

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  6. #6
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    I'm 39, my Filipino wife is 9yrs OLDER than me, and it's great

    I'd recommend one that has at least lived. Those working in Singapore & Hong Kong, rather than living in the Philippines. + the visa process is easier.

    Keith & Ping

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  7. #7
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    Question How to chat without paying a lot of money

    Hi everyone,
    i m new here, so maybe this is a silly thing to ask. I used to chat on Yahoo with some Filipina's, but is there somewhere a chatting/dating site where i can look for the right one, without to pay loads of money? The dating sites ask so much money i can't afford.

  8. #8
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    This is an old thread, its been 8 months ago anyways, okay mostly of the dating websites has a payments and i guess its only 20-30 pounds a month you try this site Cherry Blossoms, like Petes said you can joined Friendster its free just connect friends...My Space .... free to emails,to contact members try thisSingle, Dating Direct.. thats all for now Have you read the thread of IainBusby? His looking for guy whose interested to know the lady he mentioned...try to check it last one foreign bride
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  9. #9
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Try That's my site...100% free....and just had some pretty ladies join
    Keith - Administrator

  10. #10
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win
    Try That's my site...100% free....and just had some pretty ladies join
    pretty nice Keith
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

  11. #11
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Can you pass the word round?

    We've had a few marriages off it, and a good number of
    Keith - Administrator

  12. #12
    Respected Member scotsfiancee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win
    Can you pass the word round?

    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win
    We've had a few marriages off it, and a good number of
    That's good to know
    Scot ===>

    "The world is all about diversity. I am different and you are different."

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