1 Do read your employee hand book and contract, keep them safe and to hand. The Wife worried when she had no reason to, a quick read of the handbook was all she needed to know she was ok.

2 Read up on basic Employee law. Again the Wife worried when had no reason to.

3 Dont say to much if in doubt, if a dispute occurs. make sure you make notes of all that is said, by whom and when. Very important and has stoped many issues at work getting out of hand for me i know from experience.

4 Do make sure you speak to people who have experience of British culture both work and social. The Wife and others at my workplace have had misunderstandings soley based on not understanding the in and out of the british workplace and social behaviour.

5 Always take care with what you say to anyone at work, and who you trust.
Most people are at work bascially for the Money. How many people you got on well enough with while working together dissapeared the mintue you didn't work together? People are in the most more concerned with keeping their jobs (Food on the table and a roof over there heads is important)

6 If something does happen don't panic, seek advice from different sources.
Over the weekend and today the Wife was Worried about what now she can is a harmless issue but was making her very concerned due to a misunderstanding.

Thankfully the Wifes situation was not that serious. But i have noticed several times she has had concerns with issues which i Would not even blink at.