Hi everyone,
I need to find someone who is currently holidaying or visiting the Phils and returning to the Uk in the near future. My asawa needs to take prednisone (5mg tablets). Since arriving here in the UK she has run down her flilpino stock and has been prescribed in the UK but she is getting regular headaches with this brand( same happened when we used a brand in Hong Kong). I am looking for someone to purchase 100 tablets (around 10 pesos each) and bring them back. I can then arrange the postage/collection. In the Phils they are over the counter available believe it or not form any of the big drug stores. Can anyone help. Going forward we will arrange for our caretaker to get them an post them direct but the post is notoriously slow and unreliable and I am looking for one months stock as soon as possible as I do not like seeing Ligaya in pain. Can anyone help, I believe Piamed and Aposhark are currently with their loved at the moment.

thanks in advance