Hi Boss/ Piamed,
sorry I did not explain the background, Ligaya was prescribed the prednisone in December 2006 at 60mg yes 60mg for severe dermatomyositis
and was successfully tapering off to 20mg prior to pregnancy which was then maintained through pregancy and then tapered to 10mg before leaving the Phils. She is registered here in Birmingham in April and is still waiting for a consultant rheumatologist appt (pre existing condition so no BUPA cover). In the meantime her GP advised continuation at 10mg and prescribed accodingly. Since Ligaya has started the UK brand she has the side effect. As you will know you cannot just stop taking this medication and must be tapered off. She also has been and will be on caltrate for the duration to protect against osteo problems and was monitored monthly in Manila until April but not here. I am going to pay for private consultant if NHS do not acome up with the appt by next month. Thank you for your concern Boss and for your kind offer Piamed, I will check our PHil brand