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Thread: Unusual request

  1. #1
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    Unusual request

    Hi everyone,
    I need to find someone who is currently holidaying or visiting the Phils and returning to the Uk in the near future. My asawa needs to take prednisone (5mg tablets). Since arriving here in the UK she has run down her flilpino stock and has been prescribed in the UK but she is getting regular headaches with this brand( same happened when we used a brand in Hong Kong). I am looking for someone to purchase 100 tablets (around 10 pesos each) and bring them back. I can then arrange the postage/collection. In the Phils they are over the counter available believe it or not form any of the big drug stores. Can anyone help. Going forward we will arrange for our caretaker to get them an post them direct but the post is notoriously slow and unreliable and I am looking for one months stock as soon as possible as I do not like seeing Ligaya in pain. Can anyone help, I believe Piamed and Aposhark are currently with their loved at the moment.

    thanks in advance
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  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    That is VERY dangerous. Especially taking steroids for just headaches, when they are changing the physical anatomy of your body for the rest of your life, and in most cases for the worst. I should know, I was on them for years for my arthritis, and now have osteoporosis in my early 40's, skin problems, and numerous other complaints....and guess why I had to come off them last year? The worst side effect was they caused MIGRAINES!!! After one lasted 5 days, I gave up. Not had a headache since.

    I would definitely 100% change drugs. This steroid just subdues the immune system, so also weakens the body for other illnesses.
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Keith has a good point about the long-term use of steroids! Obviously, you should have her consult a GP in the UK about that as well as the suitability of alternative treatment regimes. I can't recall why Ligaya is taking this drug and am probably confusing her with someone else but do consider alternatives following appropriate medical consultation.

    In the meantime, do you know who the manufacturer or distributor of the brand she was taking in da Phils is? I'm in the UK now but if you let me know I will try to source it from EU for you - no promises but I'll try.
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  4. #4
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    Hi Boss/ Piamed,
    sorry I did not explain the background, Ligaya was prescribed the prednisone in December 2006 at 60mg yes 60mg for severe dermatomyositis
    and was successfully tapering off to 20mg prior to pregnancy which was then maintained through pregancy and then tapered to 10mg before leaving the Phils. She is registered here in Birmingham in April and is still waiting for a consultant rheumatologist appt (pre existing condition so no BUPA cover). In the meantime her GP advised continuation at 10mg and prescribed accodingly. Since Ligaya has started the UK brand she has the side effect. As you will know you cannot just stop taking this medication and must be tapered off. She also has been and will be on caltrate for the duration to protect against osteo problems and was monitored monthly in Manila until April but not here. I am going to pay for private consultant if NHS do not acome up with the appt by next month. Thank you for your concern Boss and for your kind offer Piamed, I will check our PHil brand
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  5. #5
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scott&ligaya View Post
    Hi Boss/ Piamed,
    sorry I did not explain the background, Ligaya was prescribed the prednisone in December 2006 at 60mg yes 60mg for severe dermatomyositis
    and was successfully tapering off to 20mg prior to pregnancy which was then maintained through pregancy and then tapered to 10mg before leaving the Phils. She is registered here in Birmingham in April and is still waiting for a consultant rheumatologist appt (pre existing condition so no BUPA cover). In the meantime her GP advised continuation at 10mg and prescribed accodingly. Since Ligaya has started the UK brand she has the side effect. As you will know you cannot just stop taking this medication and must be tapered off. She also has been and will be on caltrate for the duration to protect against osteo problems and was monitored monthly in Manila until April but not here. I am going to pay for private consultant if NHS do not acome up with the appt by next month. Thank you for your concern Boss and for your kind offer Piamed, I will check our PHil brand
    Thanks for the info Scott; I understand totally. I hope Ligaya gets seen by a good Rheumatologist vey soon. All the best. Toks
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  6. #6
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    which was then maintained through pregancy
    Ouch!!! The baby was on steroids for 9 months.....

    As you will know you cannot just stop taking this medication and must be tapered off.
    Yes you can, I was on 80mg injections, and just stopped. Stopping from 40mg down straight away would cause less problems than weening off them.
    Keith - Administrator

  7. #7
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    He he he yeah we thought our baby would come out like arnie saying "I vant my milk" and picking up his cot!!. This steriod does not pass to the placenta and all studies to date show no issues with its use through pregnancy other than a very small extra chance of cleft palate) (one in one thousand). Our advise to date has been to not stop immediately but I am open to new thinking on this and any proven practice you are aware of. Our UK GP did suggest that now Ligaya has been well for a sustained period that there may be alternatives to the steriod which will maintain her and that the consultant (when we get one) may well choose alternative strategies.
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  8. #8
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scott&ligaya View Post
    Our UK GP did suggest that now Ligaya has been well for a sustained period that there may be alternatives to the steriod which will maintain her and that the consultant (when we get one) may well choose alternative strategies.
    Good luck to you both.
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  9. #9
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    You will find zero difference between same drugs but different manufacturer's, otherwise they would be called something else .

    You actually have a 30% chance of getting duds (placebo's, concrete, flour, etc) in Asia.
    Keith - Administrator

  10. #10
    Respected Member Piamed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    You will find zero difference between same drugs but different manufacturer's, otherwise they would be called something else .
    One would think so but in practice there are often noticeable differences, particulary once the patent is expired and the product is genericised so that virtually any licensed company can make it.

    Although the therapeutic action of the drug remains altered, taste masking, texture, colour, tablet shape, may all differ. This is becuase the raw material suppliers have been changed or the mode of manufacture altered although still within the regulatory tolerances. In some patient groups in particular e.g. those on antidepressants and anxiolytics, there can a very discernable drug response psychosomatic or otherwise. It is not common in other groups to the same extent.

    You actually have a 30% chance of getting duds (placebo's, concrete, flour, etc) in Asia.
    Very true, or worse.
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  11. #11
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    Hi Boss, I agree we could get duds but never been an issue to date, I also agree with paimeds view on the differences between brands in our own uncontrolled experiment ie buying some in Hong Kong of a different brand causing a different side effect. In any event I am hopeful that eventually we will get an alternative medication and be shot of this steriod.

    thanks to both of you
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  12. #12
    Respected Member gemini63's Avatar
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    Hi, if that meds not prohibited to bring, i can help coz somebody a brother in law of mine wl arvd hr on august 20. i wl let him bring it for you if u still hv no means to get it here yet at that time.Just inform me anytime if u let me about it.

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