Quote Originally Posted by giants View Post
Here we go.....

Again can't you read people as I've this thread is not intended to all interracial couple I am referring to some Filipinas who seek foreign marriage not based on LOVE but financial security.......I am just bursting out my opinion.....stop the childish attitude grow up and let's talk.

Racism? Jeolousy? Uneducated? Kidly read again will you, you're missing something I guess
Giants, I welcome open and constructive debate. You expressed your opinion and I believe both Keith and I expressed our own also. Your resultant categorisation of these alternative opinions is, at best rather insulting and totally uneccessary.

Quote Originally Posted by giants View Post
That's why as I've said Filipinas are tuning in the wave of the 21st century, you yourself had already compared yourself to other western women...see what I mean
I have no idea what you are trying to illustrate here. Can you explain? Please note that I am male and any suggestion otherwise is born out of mischievous gossip.

Quote Originally Posted by giants View Post
OK just for the sake of argument......here's the question then...


The obvious answer to that is surely "it depends". Any other expectation or assumption would indicate bias, a lack of objectivity and narrowmindedness. You are attempting to leave no scope for the individuals involved in a relationship. Whether it's a filipina with a Pakistani, British or Ossie partner, their individual contexts would have to be evaluated to make any form of interpretation.

What is your objective with this thread?

Quote Originally Posted by scott&ligaya View Post
We absolutely love each other and like others wonder what your motive for this thread is.

...So why single out filipinas?

Quote Originally Posted by winner View Post
when i meet my wife for the first time on the internet she was looking for love neve ask me for anythnk all she said be ture and honest and that was over 4 years ago and now we are married and have beautiful baby girl thats love not money and wanting a better life does not matter were you live tent or house rich or poor love will see you through

Are trying to celebrate women who determine to seek out financially challenged husbands and who also seek to lower their personal circumstances? Noone does that. That would be irresponsible.

Surely, any woman would want to marry someone they loved and who could provide for them and their family. This would occur whether the parties in question were both British, Nigerian, Mexican, or whatever.

If a 20 year old woman determined that she wanted to marry a wealthy 85 year old millionaire, that is their choice. It has nothing to do with anyone else. Clearly, you have your views but if you are attempting to judge others, I would suggest to you that is not a constructive thing to do.

That's just my view of course!