You're just concentrating on those couples wherein she is poor, younger and less educated. He is richer, is old and has higher educational attainment. Why did you say filipinas marry for money?I'm pretty sure you haven't heard or met filipinas who married foreign nationals wherein she has properties, has an education, and business back home? She has a 5 bedroom house (Each bedroom has its own toilet and bath), has cars, driver and housemaids? The only difference is He is living in a rich country and so he is more priveleged. Have you ever thought of the changes in the life of a filipina when she stays abroad? She does all the household chores and away from her family and friends.... it's because of true and genuine love for her husband that makes all things possible for her
. It is because Philippines belongs to the 3rd world country and so then you thought that every filipina has that kind of thinking as well..... MARRY FOR MONEY