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Thread: Barrio Fiesta-cancellation discussion thread

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    Barrio Fiesta-cancellation discussion thread



    I am writing to record my disgust at the decision to cancel this years Barrio Fiesta. The festival is supposedly being cancelled on health and safety grounds:I have attended this event for the past 6 years, and there has never been any such concern raised previously. Indeed, if anything, the event has been remarkable for its crime free record. It is obvious that if the police and fire services applied the same criteria to the London Carnival, this would never take place.

    I would seriously suggest that the festival organisers take legal advice on whether they have a claim for judicial review of this decision.

    A non filipino

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    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    It seems that it is the Councils decision. Where a public body acts in an arbitrary or unfair way, legal action is often possible. In any event, I would urge you to contact the national press to ensure that Hounslow Council get their comeuppance. Only a community that suffers in silence would be taken for granted in this way. Would the Chinese New year celebrations, the Mardi Gras or the London Carnival have this problem?

  4. #4
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    it is sad that it has been canceled, i have meet people there that have been good friends over the years. it is also a chance for us to show my son the filipino way of life, a chance to mingle with other filipinos. i don't really know what the councils issues are, that event has been going on for years accident free.

  5. #5
    andypaul's Avatar
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    How come they would not issue a permit so close to the date surely these things are sorted weeks in advance?

    Do you mean the notting hill carnival? Bt of a differnece in sheer scale 1 to 2 million people at the notting hill carnival and they quite often have stages and areas of the carnival closed down early or even cancelled or denied permission due to health and safety concerns.

    I think it was last year on the saturday and the police and stewards were not happy at how quickly some of the stalls were closing down from what i saw first hand.

    Plenty were selling booze when only i think one or two venues had a license.

    A shame but there you go hopefully the organisers will sort it out for next year.

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    Given that there is one fatality a year at the notting hill carnival and considerably more serious breaches of the law than a failure to close down the stalls fast enough, I can't believe that Kensington & Chelsea council would get away with closing this down on health and safety grounds. Its just that Hounslow know that there is unlikely to be any adverse comeback, as barely anyone (other than those who know pinoys) have heard of this festival.

  7. #7
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Kuneho View Post
    Given that there is one fatality a year at the notting hill carnival and considerably more serious breaches of the law than a failure to close down the stalls fast enough, I can't believe that Kensington & Chelsea council would get away with closing this down on health and safety grounds. Its just that Hounslow know that there is unlikely to be any adverse comeback, as barely anyone (other than those who know pinoys) have heard of this festival.
    True enough but as there is a at least an eighth of the population of london passing though the festival idiots will prevail.

    heres the sad statistics from the Notting carnival

    1987- Michael Galvin ;a stallholder -stabbed.
    1991- Dr. Nicholas Hanscomb ; a supporter of a religious group bled to death after being stabbed in the thigh.
    2000- Greg Watson, a man stabbed to death after an argument over food.
    2000- Abdul Bhatti,- stabbed to death in a racially motivated attack by a group of 40-50 youths.
    2004-Lee Surbaran ; a man who was shot by a gang using a machine pistol for "showing disrespect"

    Thankfully not one a year.

    Im not sticking up for hounslow council far from it just mentioning possible reasons why in their view it did not meet health and safety requirments.

    IMHO the organisning party needs to be asking serious questions of itself how an event they have a year to plan and organise (with 24 years worth of experience) gets halted a week before. Then the organisers seem to be the last to announce the news.

    Normally in such cases where an event gets closed down for these reasons its the organisers who need to worry about legal action i would have thought rather than the council, police and fire brigade.
    I' love to see the gant chart entry where it said make sure we have the ok from the authorities a week in advance Surely you would ensure you had great relationship with all those that can make or break you and ask every step of the way for informal and formal advice on wheter the cretia was being met?

    I hope they can recover from this, as it would be a terrible loss if it dissapeared for ever in its current format.

  8. #8
    Respected Member alicat's Avatar
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    im very dissapointed,thats all.

  9. #9
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    As many people as possible should complain to the Council about this disgraceful decision

    no links allowed till a post count of 15

    Also raise a complaint with the local government ombudsman

    no links allowed till a post count of 15

    Write to the MP, Local Councillors etc this link gives their details and makes it easy to contact them

    no links allowed till a post count of 15

    no links allowed till a post count of 15

  10. #10
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    which is good bcoz i can't go there

  11. #11
    Member ash_joy2008's Avatar
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    im really 4 yrs here n uk i never been there yet n just heard about the festival!!! and now its been cancelled..ohh dear

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Legaspi View Post
    As many people as possible should complain to the Council about this disgraceful decision

    no links allowed till a post count of 15

    Also raise a complaint with the local government ombudsman

    no links allowed till a post count of 15

    Write to the MP, Local Councillors etc this link gives their details and makes it easy to contact them

    no links allowed till a post count of 15

    no links allowed till a post count of 15
    What a pathetic joke removing these links I'd have thought some flexibility of rules should be considered.

    For those wishing to take the matter up with councillors MP etc search WriteToThem and input postcode TW3 1JG. There is a contact us form on the London Borough of Hounslow website and you can Google Local Government Ombudsman

  13. #13
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Legaspi View Post
    As many people as possible should complain to the Council about this disgraceful decision

    no links allowed till a post count of 15

    Also raise a complaint with the local government ombudsman

    no links allowed till a post count of 15

    Write to the MP, Local Councillors etc this link gives their details and makes it easy to contact them

    no links allowed till a post count of 15

    no links allowed till a post count of 15

    Will you also be asking serious questions of the organisers?

    I think they are in need of a few letters making them realise how many people they have really annoyed and put out of pocket.

    Whatever people say i still cant belive how unprofessionaly run a two day event with attendance of 60 thousand people attending in fact it should be far more as so few local people actually go!!

    With all the problems both the nursing caring and general workers on visa from non eu countries which is a massive section of the Pinoy community have had over the last few years.
    So little is done to promoted this event and other like it to non pinoys with no phill connection.

    If more people from the local community had gone then surely the council tax payers who fund the hounslow councill would be more up in arms?

    Just a thought

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Legaspi View Post
    What a pathetic joke removing these links I'd have thought some flexibility of rules should be considered.
    Which bit of "no links allowed till a post count of 15" do you NOT understand???

    Your post was flagged because you broke the rules, simple; if you wanted an exception made, you should have contacted us first.

  15. #15
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Which bit of "no links allowed till a post count of 15" do you NOT understand???

    Your post was flagged because you broke the rules, simple; if you wanted an exception made, you should have contacted us first.

    You would make a good traffic warden

  16. #16
    Respected Member Gavanddal's Avatar
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    It is disgraceful the Council doing this so close to the date. I'm sure they have had plenty of time to do risk assessments. I wonder what their grounds are for revoking the licence? Will they make a statement? Maybe they think it's got too big, if so they should say so.
    We went to the Hounslow festival once but actually preferred the Milton Keynes festival because access was better, lots of parking and it's got a good "amphitheatre".

  17. #17
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavanddal View Post
    It is disgraceful the Council doing this so close to the date. I'm sure they have had plenty of time to do risk assessments. I wonder what their grounds are for revoking the licence? Will they make a statement? Maybe they think it's got too big, if so they should say so.
    We went to the Hounslow festival once but actually preferred the Milton Keynes festival because access was better, lots of parking and it's got a good "amphitheatre".
    i think it will come out all in the wash who is to blame.

    If the police or fire brigade object the council cant grant the licence wheter they want to or not if they did could you imagine all the complaints if there was a issue however unlikely?

    A quote here says

    The council says lack of traffic planning was the main reason council officers, firefighters and police told organisers The Philippine Centre that the party in Lampton Park could not go ahead on Saturday and Sunday.

    The biggest problem i can think is that hounslow and heathrow are so close it causes problems with the roads (in previous years there has been near gridlock even worse than usual)
    In previous years roads have been closed, bus routes rediverted remeber this is london where there are far more bus services than in many other parts of the UK.

    It also ties up the pic line which is a major route in and out of Heathrow during sumer Holiday season. The tube trains and small comuter stations are packed to breaking point as i have witnessed in previous years. Also the western international market is moving or has moved which a lot of locals and people from around london go to prehaps they felt the roads simply couldn't cope?

    This part of west london is busy all week round sundays seem hardly quieter than a work day due to the 24-7 situation with heathrow and businesses in the area unlike many other parts of the country. In fact you will get the shift rush hours on any day apart from christmas day.

    Was the earlier mini barrio on the same site something to do with all this as the organiser of that seems to have strong views on the matter?

    Like you say milton Keynes is a far better location for a event like this.

  18. #18
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gavanddal View Post
    It is disgraceful the Council doing this so close to the date. I'm sure they have had plenty of time to do risk assessments. I wonder what their grounds are for revoking the licence? Will they make a statement? Maybe they think it's got too big, if so they should say so.
    We went to the Hounslow festival once but actually preferred the Milton Keynes festival because access was better, lots of parking and it's got a good "amphitheatre".
    I think this is typical of councils accross the country.
    I was trading, at a local animal sanctuaries funday, in a council run park, a few weeks ago. Just before the show, my Public Liability Insurance, ran out. I agreed with the organisers, that I would show them my Insurance, on the day, as I had since just renewed it.

    I had a phone call, 2 days before the show, by a very panicked organiser, saying that the council wouldn't grant them a licence, because some eagle eye, had spotted my Insurance wasn't in place. Luckily, I was able to fax them a copy & all was okay.

    They scrutinise everything & if something is not to their standard, they are quick to pull the plug.

  19. #19
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    I think this is typical of councils accross the country.
    I was trading, at a local animal sanctuaries funday, in a council run park, a few weeks ago. Just before the show, my Public Liability Insurance, ran out. I agreed with the organisers, that I would show them my Insurance, on the day, as I had since just renewed it.

    I had a phone call, 2 days before the show, by a very panicked organiser, saying that the council wouldn't grant them a licence, because some eagle eye, had spotted my Insurance wasn't in place. Luckily, I was able to fax them a copy & all was okay.

    They scrutinise everything & if something is not to their standard, they are quick to pull the plug.
    I can understand its a bit of a pain but if they allowed you to run a show without the insurance would you think they did the right thing?

    We live in a country where ligation and compensation are all to common events sadly.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    I can understand its a bit of a pain but if they allowed you to run a show without the insurance would you think they did the right thing?

    We live in a country where ligation and compensation are all to common events sadly.
    Oh yes, I'm in total agreement about the Insurance, in my case, they just didn't physically have the certificate in their hands.

    Other areas of Health & Safety I'm afraid, are just too far over the top.
    Whatever you do, there are risks involved.

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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Which bit of "no links allowed till a post count of 15" do you NOT understand???

    Your post was flagged because you broke the rules, simple; if you wanted an exception made, you should have contacted us first.
    Sorry as a newbie I didn't realise I should have spent a few days studying the rules and regs to see if my proposed post qualified. I agree with the traffic warden sentiment another poster expressed - how about applying for the Senior Nitpicker Assistant Temporary Manager vacancy at London Borough of Hounslow / John Laing Integrated Services

  22. #22
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    Very dissapointing. Interestingly, and uniquely in my experience, motorway signs on the M25 warned "Barrio Fiesta Cancelled", presumably because of concerns about safety if large numbers turned up.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Legaspi View Post
    Sorry as a newbie I didn't realise I should have spent a few days studying the rules and regs to see if my proposed post qualified. I agree with the traffic warden sentiment another poster expressed - how about applying for the Senior Nitpicker Assistant Temporary Manager vacancy at London Borough of Hounslow / John Laing Integrated Services
    Why dont you get stuffed

    When you joined the forum, you agreed to abide by the rules, which included no links until 15 posts. I would have let this go, but you chose to come back with sarcasm and insults.

  24. #24
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    im so disappointed too because i really want to go there,with my hubby and my step son and step daughter there all excited then just been canceled....

  25. #25
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Legaspi View Post
    Sorry as a newbie I didn't realise I should have spent a few days studying the rules and regs to see if my proposed post qualified. I agree with the traffic warden sentiment another poster expressed - how about applying for the Senior Nitpicker Assistant Temporary Manager vacancy at London Borough of Hounslow / John Laing Integrated Services
    Actually in the lighthearted way i try and keep in when on this site i was actually meaning Rob did a good job and one that i would not relish. I have no real problem with traffic wardens they do a job where they have to explain to people why they cant park there when they already should know they cant. They then get abused, when they have done nothing wrong.

    Like Mr admin and his Mods write the site has rules and if you dont like it leave. I know i would, ie vote with my feet.

  26. #26
    Respected Member mavid's Avatar
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    It's my first visit here in England, so when i heard about the Barrio Fiesta from my cousin who's here and haven't seen here for ages...I marked the date and promised will go there...We took a major diversion on our Cornwall Road Trip just to attend it...then a day before it...heard its canceled! what a let down.

  27. #27
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    I cant help but notice that everyone seems to be blaming the council for the cancellation of the barrio fiesta. When I first heard that the festival was cancelled i wasnt surprised! In the week leading up to the festival stall holders already had a problem getting in touch with the organisers with regards to what was happening with the festival. So for Philippine Centre to say that the council cancelled 4 days before is b$*&%!@~. According to a very reliable source the main reason for the cancellation was because the organisers still owes the council a lot of money and they do not want to pay even just half of the money owed! This problem has been going on since the late ben tomalden was alive (may he r.i.p)

    Filipino and Money just doest go together( and dont get me wrong im a filipina) im just calling it as i see it. Whether it be a childrens pageant to festivals to money gift scams filipino cant help but be corrupt!!!!

    Its just such a shame that such an event that brings all the filipino from near and far has to be affected by the greediness of such people. A lot of kababayans are looking forward to this event for a year and for some its a time to see and catch up with old friends.

    I myself would organise such an event if funds were available to myself and not only to organise festivals but to also hold a pageant that will be base on beauty and brains. (dont worry guys if i ever win the lottery i will set up my own festival and pageant)

    I guess until then we'll just have to wait and see

  28. #28
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Did seem strange how the councill announced the no go before the organisers at least on their web site.

    You would have thought the organisers would have been doing all their could in the media if it was a simply the councill being heavy handed.

  29. #29
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    Did seem strange how the councill announced the no go before the organisers at least on their web site.

    You would have thought the organisers would have been doing all their could in the media if it was a simply the councill being heavy handed.

    actually no, i have heard that the organizer of this even ran off with the money, the council didn't have much choice but to cancel last minute, they had no funds for the police and park attendants. the council simply wanted the money to pay for essentials for the event such as security and cleaners i guess. i am not saying that all of this was done tastefully but from what i've heard the council really didn't have a choice.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    actually no, i have heard that the organizer of this even ran off with the money, the council didn't have much choice but to cancel last minute, they had no funds for the police and park attendants. the council simply wanted the money to pay for essentials for the event such as security and cleaners i guess. i am not saying that all of this was done tastefully but from what i've heard the council really didn't have a choice.
    So those who blamed the council with out checking the facts got it wrong it appears?

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