Hi to all. Everytime I visit this forum loads of new stories, successful visa and new post. As I said before I work and work all the time (just to keep my self busy, as I am on my own here in UK, no family and single
) I work 70 hrs/week the most as I'm doing it for about 4 years now Im used to it and its like Im addicted to my work now
Sometimes when I don't have extra hours at work I feel bad coz it mean less money
Anyway, I met a few filipina in my place who just arrived here in UK (some are spouse of a British citizen and some are spouse of filipino working here) I heard some of their stories how happy they are the time they get their visa till the time they arrive in UK. I met a new filipina in the church 2 weeks ago (spouse of a British)and she said she's been here in UK for about a year now and she's a bit frustrated that since then she managed to work for only 3 months thru agency (its hard to find a fulltime job now here I guess) and till now she's still looking for a permanent job as her family back home needs her help most of the time and she can't help them regularly.
My filipina workmate just got his husband 2 months ago and untill now he can't find a job (not much factories here in our area) as they're paying £400/month on a room they renting at the moment from £250/month for single occupancy. So, they're both frustrated as well as bills are double and only one wage coming in at the moment as their planning to get their 2 children before Christmas....
May be some of the Britons here quite well off that their filipina wife may not need to go to work that's good for our kababayans. But for those who need to work to help their Brits husband to pay some bills and at the same time has a family to support in the Phils I hope they can find work if they're desparate to work and if the husband needs an extra support financially. I have a good filipina friend whose married to a Brit they met online a few years ago she said to me at the beginning of their relationship he said that if she's in UK already she needs to work to help him to pay some bills and if she wants to help her family back home (which is fair enough I guess as Brits are not rich as what filipinos in the Phils think) I think finding a job here now is a bit hard even in nursing home I am working now before Britons only last for just a day to work and gone the following day but now I can't believe it even young people now working there and it seems that they will stay for long.
UK is a nice place for me to work (as a work permit holder) as I get 100x on what I earned in the Phils but UK govt is trying to get rid of us caregiversthat they might put us in Tier 3 as they think we're low skilled...which I beg to disagree
Sorry to bore you guys...ingat!