Quote Originally Posted by Piamed View Post
Hi Ben

The results of the 2007 Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) show that median weekly pay for full-time employees in the UK grew by 2.9 per cent in the year to April 2007 to reach £457, i.e. approx. £25K per annum. Median earnings of full-time male employees was £498 per week in April 2007; for women the median was £394. What a disparity!

The top 10 per cent of the earnings distribution earned more than £906 per week, while the bottom 10 per cent earned less than £252.

The occupations with the highest earnings in 2007 were 'Health professionals', (median pay of full-time employees of £1,019 a week), followed by 'Corporate managers' (£702) and 'Science and technology professionals' (£670). The lowest paid of all full-time employees were 'Sales occupations', at £264 a week. I am truly surprised by the gross earnings of sales occupations but i guess it includes some that are poorly paid in the retail sector.
I think your right about the sales section including shop workers and remeber a lot of sales people actually have low salaries its all commision.

Many sales people i know all ways plead poverty and have alsorts of ways of getting paid which reduce the way its declared to the tax office.