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Sorry to hear your story cheezwiz, sounds like many share the same issues.
Good point Toks,... also, Americans don't usually have a job contract and can be removed from their job at any time. Most Brits have a job contract at least. Like me, I bet you worked the 70 hours but only got paid for 35!
Sorry to hear that work life is so tough for new settlers in the UK but work life is tough for everyone just now and in most countries (even France is scrapping the 35 hour week) - but it will get better! The company I work for just laid off several hundred employees in the US and UK. My advice for people would be to look to the long term and get re-educated. When the upswing comes you'll be ready to take advantage of new job openings that will come along and be able to benefit from much higher rates than if you stay as you are.
The 2 Filipinas that work in the same company as me did exactly this and now earn higher than average UK rates of pay.
Good luck to everyone in today's challenging employment environment!