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  1. #1
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Keith - Administrator

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i watched this on the beeb the other morning

    the car and lorry driver should sue them for the stress they caused them, and the one who had a fight with the police woman only got a day in prison

  3. #3
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    I saw the whole of that program and I noticed that the people at the centre of evey incident that the police had to deal with in that particular episode were foreign nationals. I just wondered if the program editors intended to slant it that way or if it was just a coincedence.

    There were a couple of the things the police had to deal with in that program that really got me mad, like firstly, the two illegal immigrants found wandering on the motorway who were released with a leaflet instructing them to make their way to the UKBA office at either Liverpool or Croydon.

    In the second incident, they stopped a guy who pretended to be someone else and who didn't actually have a driving licence. This guy turned out to be a very long term tourist visa overstayer and was turned over to immigration.

    The thing that made me really mad about that case is that when they summed up all of the incidents at the end of the program, they said that the UKBA refused to comment on whether he would be deported or not, which for some strange reason, I took to mean NO.


  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    well you should watch 'uk border force' on sky 1

    then you might start believing there are more than 1 million illegal immigrants in the uk.

    and you can see the reasons why its not always easy to get a visitor visa

  5. #5
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    well you should watch 'uk border force' on sky 1

    then you might start believing there are more than 1 million illegal immigrants in the uk.

    and you can see the reasons why its not always easy to get a visitor visa
    I've seen both episodes that have been on so far, I don't know if there have been more than that. I think that it's about time the government really got to grips with the whole situation, especially with what seems to me to be the most common loophole used by most who manage to get in through France, by which I mean, throwing away their passports and papers so that they can't be deported because their countries of origin will not accept them back without a passport.

    I think that if they arrive here illegally and without passports etc, they should be kept in detention until they agree to apply to their country of origin for a replacement passport. Then once they have done this, they should be deported. I'm sure that if they done this, the word would soon get back to Calais and to their various countries of origin, that throwing away your passport won't help anymore and that if you arrive in the UK without a passport, your likely to be detained idefinately. But I suppose that if they really tried to do this there would be an outcry from all the do-gooders etc and of course, the European Court of Human Rights.

    I also think that the UK government should take a much stronger line about this whole situation with the French government, who simply allow them to wander around in France because although they are also illegal immigrants in France, they don't worry about them being there because they know that they have no intention to stay in France. They know that they will just hang around at Calais until they can sneak into a truck and get to the UK.

    Mind you, having said that, I suppose it's a bit strong to tell the French to do this when our own police force simply release them and let them find their own way into the black economy.


  6. #6
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    I am bit shocked about that one. In thinking about it afterwards, I was not sure if it was seeing the police that made them do it.Or maybe they planned it. Noone really knows what goes in their heads.

    The police do not really have any real force apart from shouting and wrestling with the assailant. In hindsight the situation called for handcuffing to the car.The harder US tactic of "Stop or I'll shoot" would not fix it.

  7. #7
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    You can only handcuff in this country once you've been can't do it to protect yourself, the assailant, or to prevernt damage, running away, ets.....stupid eh??
    Keith - Administrator

  8. #8
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Minimum height on women policewomen would help. You see her shouting on help from the other policeman in the video.And have you seen that wee lassie in the TV programme the bill.Its like me and Jessica. 4ft 11!

    Tranquilliser guns..chloroform..hmm hit to the back of the knees..

    Thats a new topic..Whats the best way to incapacitate someone?

  9. #9
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    ..Whats the best way to incapacitate someone?
    Keith - Administrator

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