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Thread: spouse/fiancee visa minimum age will be 21

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    spouse/fiancee visa minimum age will be 21

    well the gov have finally done it, minimum age will be 21, it doesn't mention a start date thou

  2. #2
    Respected Member benb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    well the gov have finally done it, minimum age will be 21, it doesn't mention a start date thou
    Oh No!

  3. #3
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    my friend she is 18 years old plans to apply for a spousal visa next month will let her know about this.

    thanks for this info joebloggs

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    well i think if its not now it will be by the end of the year.. so your friend better hurray..

    'Yesterday's measures, many of which will be implemented by the end of the year,'

  5. #5
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    she just had a baby last july 14 waiting for her marriage cert from nso...and then apply for her visa

  6. #6
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    While looking at the link to the home office website, some more changes that they are looking at introducing

    "A person intending to sponsor a partner from overseas must declare this intention before they leave the UK.

    We will introduce a requirement for British citizens and permanent residents who are seeking to sponsor a spouse to come to the UK to first declare their intention before leaving the UK and marrying abroad. We will screen these registrations and require a compulsory interview where we deem appropriate. We will set out our timetable for introducing this requirement in a statement of intent in the Autumn."

  7. #7
    Respected Member Tiggers0608's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    well the gov have finally done it, minimum age will be 21, it doesn't mention a start date thou
    wow , they even required the spouse to learn how to speak in english before going to UK.

    but no comment on age to changing 18 to 21

  8. #8
    Respected Member socool007's Avatar
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    well friends i now have a dilema i am getting married to my guapa fiance at the end of September who just happens to be 20 years of age. do i go ahead with a spouse visa or do i wait untill July next year?

    Thankyou from Stephen and Julieann..

  9. #9
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by socool007 View Post
    well friends i now have a dilema i am getting married to my guapa fiance at the end of September who just happens to be 20 years of age. do i go ahead with a spouse visa or do i wait untill July next year?

    Thankyou from Stephen and Julieann..
    Are your saying that your going to get married at the end of September this year, but you were only going to apply for the spouse visa in July next year.

    If you are I think this is a mistake, if only because the cost of applying for a settlement visa will probably increase by July next year and also because this new age rule, will not be in force by the end of September this year so it shouldn't affect your application.

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by socool007 View Post
    well friends i now have a dilema i am getting married to my guapa fiance at the end of September who just happens to be 20 years of age. do i go ahead with a spouse visa or do i wait untill July next year?

    Thankyou from Stephen and Julieann..
    i take it your getting married in the phils in sept?, then if i was you, i would apply for a spouse visa soon as your married, all we know is many of the changes will start at the end of the year (probably nov) and there might be a transition period for those who are under 21 who have applied for a visa.

    also as Iain has said, it will probably cost more next year and maybe new conditions attached to a spouse visa.

    also oct/nov are quiet times to apply for a visa, so you shouldn't have to wait 10wks+ like others have on here recently.

    so take all your papers with you in sept and apply for a spouse visa asap, or like you said wait til july until you apply, a long 10 months

  11. #11
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rusty View Post
    While looking at the link to the home office website, some more changes that they are looking at introducing

    "A person intending to sponsor a partner from overseas must declare this intention before they leave the UK.

    We will introduce a requirement for British citizens and permanent residents who are seeking to sponsor a spouse to come to the UK to first declare their intention before leaving the UK and marrying abroad. We will screen these registrations and require a compulsory interview where we deem appropriate. We will set out our timetable for introducing this requirement in a statement of intent in the Autumn."
    Thats an Intresting one I can see that bumping up the costs of Visa applications.
    So i presume you have met your Loved one decide ok we want to marry. Then seek the permission of the goverment?
    Do you pass or faill?
    What information will you need?
    Will they need to contact your loved one and others on both sideds of the intended family?
    Who screens it i presumes the Home office? Sounds like another department set up with all the managers and staff to go with it

  12. #12
    Respected Member trina's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i take it your getting married in the phils in sept?, then if i was you, i would apply for a spouse visa soon as your married, all we know is many of the changes will start at the end of the year (probably nov) and there might be a transition period for those who are under 21 who have applied for a visa.

    also as Iain has said, it will probably cost more next year and maybe new conditions attached to a spouse visa.

    also oct/nov are quiet times to apply for a visa, so you shouldn't have to wait 10wks+ like others have on here recently.

    so take all your papers with you in sept and apply for a spouse visa asap, or like you said wait til july until you apply, a long 10 months

    Matt & Trina Leach

  13. #13
    Respected Member socool007's Avatar
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    good reply folkes, as usual very helpful. I a putting in for visa in september. thankyou

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