hey alan ... so thankful that you replied, my appeal is for a catholic school near us, they sent me the paperwork and they are so full! problem is my son is going to be in year 10 this september, works in top sets in all subjects and according to the school all of the core subjects that my son needs to be at this september is full... they sent me and my husband some paperwork that for the life of us we do not understand.. something to do with net capacity! here in ipswich there are so little schools that do well in ofsted reports, most of he school here is crap

. but maybe i left it too late to try to move him school? this is my son from my ex husband btw, we use to share custody but when my son turned 14 he moved in with me and my husband.
his current school is like 3 and half miles away, i take him to school and back as there is no direct bus that would take him to school everyday, and with traffice it takes us half an hour sometimes more if there is an accident.
please give me some tips on how i can get him in our preferred school... thanks so much in advance!