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Thread: visas for our kids - how long does it take?

  1. #1
    Member rikyandnina's Avatar
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    Unhappy visas for our kids - how long does it take?

    Hi. I'm Nina. This is my first post and just wanted to share what we are experiencing. My husband a British citizen has adopted my 2 children and that took a while to complete. I found that the visa application was straight forward, also as I am a Permanent resident in the UK. However, much to my dismay, the visas applied for on May 7 havent materialized yet, and I am now fretting because I did not want the children to miss their first day of school in the UK. I thought it would have been quicker with their applications. My spouse visa only took 8 weeks from application to when i recieved the passport back. We are now on the 13th week mark and still no word.

    If there is anyone here who had ever applied for visas for their kids, will you let me know how long it took you to get them? And it would be helpful to know what sort of hiccups, if there were any that you encountered. Cheers!!!

  2. #2
    Member grate-britte's Avatar
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    Hi Nina, I'm not an expert on this but most of the May settlement applications were completed in the last 10 days (according to this blog about 4-5 went through) so it's looking like you are having a longer delay. I think also the Embassy only need to decide on the "means to support" rather than the "genuine relationship" aspect.
    Some people on this site have emailed directly the British Embassy and they often get some meaningful progress info quite rapidly, so this is worth doing.
    I hope you get some good news soon. I think Joebloggs has some posts on this blog with lots of information.

  3. #3
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    visa wait

    my step daughter just got here 2 weeks ago, her visa took 3 months plus 8 days to be granted.

    incidently i emailed the department at embassy about 70 times on the morning that they dispatched the result to her.

    good luck


  4. #4
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Hi Nina,
    What sex are the children and what type of visa do you hold? If the children are boy and girl and if even just one of them is over a certain age, they will require that you have enough bedrooms in the property you live in to allow for a bedroom for each of the children. The other main requirement will be that your husband has adequate income to support a family of four without recourse to public funds. It could be details like this that are holding things up.

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