
This is my first post here and this forum has been of great help to me over the last six years that I have been in a relationship with my fiancee. I am planning to marry her in the Philippines once her "nullification of marriage" has been finalised. Hopefully at the end of this year.

Once this is done I will then apply to the Embassy for a settlement visa for her and also her nine year old daughter. I have some experience of the Embassy having previously already sponsored her sucessfully three times for a tourist visa to visit the UK. And the requirements for a settlement visa are almost the same and even a little bit more straightforward than the tourist visa.

But what I am unsure about is the settlement visa application for her nine year old daughter. Since she was one year old she has had no contact or support from her Filipino father and she does not even know what he looks like. During the "nullification of marriage" proceedings he has been informed of what is happening but he has shown no interest in any of the proceedings. Our attourney has said that the judge will award custody of her to my fiancee once the case has been concluded.

There must be other members out there who have successfully applied for their partners children by previous marriages to settle here in the UK. I would like their advice. Will the Embassy play hardball over this and if so what will I need to provide them with to satisfy them. Or will they accept that my fiancee has been given custody of her daughter by a Filipino judge and process the visa without complication.