And this is why we constantly tell EVERYONE to never hide ANYTHING from the immigration authorities, as in most cases it will come back and bite your ass. They will then consider your application, and any future ones to contain misleading information.
You have two options, appeal or marry in the Phil.
With an appeal you only need to concentrate on the reason you failed, and that means doing it from the embassies point of view. Look at it from their side and figure out what evidence of proof you would like to see.
One of the ways of 'confirming' the details is to use an independent, but known respectable solicitor (yer right!!

). Make a list of all the wedding contacts, dates, plans, caterer, church, etc, with all contact addresses & phone numbers etc, and have him verify them, and then give you an official letter verifying that they are true.
PLUS get letters from all those on the list verifying that a wedding will be taking place.
Doing all that gives solid proof of wedding plans, that cannot be questioned.
You can also add more solid evidence you can think off as well, even if you think it is meaningless. It all puts the puzzle together.
Refuses visa's do not mean they are saying you cannot ever come to the UK, but that on that occassion you did not supply enough proof to satisfy them.
Do I get some REP now?