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Thread: Do you share your Wirless connection?

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  1. #1
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Do you share your Wirless connection?

    Worth bearing in mind what can happen if people use a open access point.

  2. #2
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    Page not found Andy.

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Page not found Andy.
    i guess it was this link

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    Page not found Andy.

    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    'There's been a great deal of dithering over whether Wi-Fi piggybacking is really a crime. In the UK, BT had originally prohibited connection-sharing, but then encouraged its customers to do just that as part of its deal with WiFi sharing company Fon.

    A man from Chiswick, west London, was even arrested last August for using someone's unsecured connection while sitting on a wall outside their home, though the Met Police argued it wasn't part of a wider crackdown.

    Two men were arrested in Northumbria last month for checking their emails and surfing seemingly innocent websites on someone else's connection. Police confirmed it was an offence, but released the pair on bail pending further enquiries'

    so in the usa its ok, but here in the uk you can be arrested , how many people have the default s/w settings, that thier wifi connects to the strongest signal ? or searches for another network if theirs is unavailable..

    doesn't mention charges, but i guess they were told off, the police have time for this, but not for credit card fraud, phishing and scam mails

    Indeed simply having the genric names and orignal SSId store in your wirless application ends up with my laptop picking them up when im not trying to find them.
    Can think of a few places in London where they leave Wirless connections open.
    One famous one is the welcome trust in euston road with many unis around it you often see students hanging around it picking up their mail for free.

    Me i walk inside and sit down in the cafe and use it.

    So maybe joe you should point your aerial in the direction of Londooon?

    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    Well done gold star

  5. #5
    Respected Member doonat's Avatar
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    sounds like i dont have to subscribe for a connection when i get there filipinos love free stuff!

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    so you could be committing a crime and not know you have

    i suppose its like stealing your neighbours waters or lecky, but you would have to physically steal it, so you would know

    cannot believe people have been nick for it.. madness

    it reminds me of the news story i read the other day, a guy took a picture of a cop car with his mobile that was parked on double yellow lines at a bus stop (nothing more me off than that, people just stop their and go into the shop, causing problems for the bus drivers,should be instant points and a fine )

    and the cops saw him, asked him what he was doing, he told them, he had taken the picture because he thought they were illegally parked, and they questioned him under anti-terror laws

    so next time the traffic warden is giving you a ticket, how about doing a citizen arrest and using the anti-terror laws, asking why they want to take a pic of your car, as a picture could pose a security risk. , how could it pose a security risk, bit obvious it a police car, with 'police' written on it

  7. #7
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by doonat View Post
    sounds like i dont have to subscribe for a connection when i get there filipinos love free stuff!
    As A flyer says very few open networks where you really want them, ie when your at home. Some office/workplaces i know have both a vistors network which you need a password for and the truely nice ones a seperate one for workers (for email on phones) as most companies ban web mail on ther own systems. One large insurance firm i know of blocks all ports apart from email related ones ie 25,110,143,465,993,995.

    I saw some yank tourists the other day near paddington and the teenager son said to his dad "all the connections are locked around here" they both seem surprised and shoocked so it mst be far more common in the US.

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    'There's been a great deal of dithering over whether Wi-Fi piggybacking is really a crime. In the UK, BT had originally prohibited connection-sharing, but then encouraged its customers to do just that as part of its deal with WiFi sharing company Fon.

    A man from Chiswick, west London, was even arrested last August for using someone's unsecured connection while sitting on a wall outside their home, though the Met Police argued it wasn't part of a wider crackdown.

    Two men were arrested in Northumbria last month for checking their emails and surfing seemingly innocent websites on someone else's connection. Police confirmed it was an offence, but released the pair on bail pending further enquiries'

    so in the usa its ok, but here in the uk you can be arrested , how many people have the default s/w settings, that thier wifi connects to the strongest signal ? or searches for another network if theirs is unavailable..

    doesn't mention charges, but i guess they were told off, the police have time for this, but not for credit card fraud, phishing and scam mails

  9. #9
    Respected Member A_flyer's Avatar
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    I'm not sharing my connection and I'm not willing to.

    With the laws under preparation on the illegal downloading (where they may cut your internet connection ). I don't want to take any risk.

    So no open line, even for internet phones, at my house.

    When I look on the active WiFi in my subdivision, I can count 13 network alive around my house. All are closed too...
    Best regards.

  10. #10
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I'm off to of the free
    Keith - Administrator

  11. #11
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    All Apple Store shops the one in Regent Street, Bluewaters, Lakeside, all leave their connections open, so you can go stand outside and your devices will capture their signal, although with mobile broadband being so cheap, 3 from about £10.00 a month, who needs to do this.

  12. #12
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post

    Worth bearing in mind what can happen if people use a open access point.
    Everytime i open my laptop some of my neighbors here have an open access I can see it But we dont use theirs Ours is secured so nothing to worry

  13. #13
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ann07 View Post
    Everytime i open my laptop some of my neighbors here have an open access I can see it But we dont use theirs Ours is secured so nothing to worry

    A wise thing to do but many wirless networks appear open access but does not all ways means you can connect.

    I know a mate leaves his open and restricts access to the router and everything behind in other ways.

    But if you see an open connection dont click on it with out considering the possiblle implications to your pc, many are either due to people deciding to keep it open for their own reasons or dont know better. Possibly if you connect to those your get internet connection.

    But some are like that as a form of trap, unlikely in a residnetial area but i am aware of cases in towns and cities. Many will allow you to connect to the internet. But remeber all your data passes to and from them. Also what is being uploaded on to your pc?

  14. #14
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andypaul View Post
    A wise thing to do but many wirless networks appear open access but does not all ways means you can connect.

    I know a mate leaves his open and restricts access to the router and everything behind in other ways.

    But if you see an open connection dont click on it with out considering the possiblle implications to your pc, many are either due to people deciding to keep it open for their own reasons or dont know better. Possibly if you connect to those your get internet connection.

    But some are like that as a form of trap, unlikely in a residnetial area but i am aware of cases in towns and cities. Many will allow you to connect to the internet. But remeber all your data passes to and from them. Also what is being uploaded on to your pc?
    You are right andypaul My husband's friend he is good with computers etc..told us the same thing

  15. #15
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    There is another issue about wifi....radiation poisoning...the radiation levels of wifi routers, espaecially the ones used in schools and commercial premises is very high. i myself prefer a wired connection to a network where possible. Its faster and safer and a lot more secure.

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